That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Evolution of a Defense

Phil Spector is looking less like a crazy person these days.
Possibly, his defense team has finally convinced him the big-hair look will not win jurors.

Or maybe the young new wife can keep him on a regular medication regimen.

Speaking of which... I'm almost as obsessive about checking out which handbag she's carrying, as to which hairstyle Phil is sporting.

I mean, really... how often do you really need to change your purse? Since I've been working at the store, I change mine more often than I did. Yet it's not more than once a month, if that. Takes too much time to pull everything out, decide what gets tossed, and reorganize.
Much more effort than I could do on a daily basis, as this girl seems to be doing:

And for lack of a better ending, I'll just stick this photo here:

Friday, April 27, 2007


It is not an understatement to say I have an eclectic mix of associates. From my odd Aquarian interests, I've managed to cultivate contacts with a wide range of people. All with varying levels of personality (or lack thereof).

Over the last few years, however, it seems I have been socializing with them less, for one reason or another. Some have changed jobs, moved away, married off, or passed on. Granted, I've also been working more, so am less available.

Perhaps it is the wedding (thinking about guest lists and all), making me think more about "who are my friends?" Although I know more of the reason I have been thinking about it more is due to the fact I have a friend at work right now, struggling with her job, thanks to an inflexible peer creating conflict with her boss. My friend is an educated, saavy, loving, and fun person. To see her under such stress, especially since she was just blessed with a baby (after being married a really long time, and the baby was premature, due to all her stress at work), makes me want to go and smack her oppressors.

The smart worker part of my brain realizes another's struggles are seldom what they seem from the outside. I have had more than one work "friend" end up getting fired, only to find out it was due more to their own negligence than an irrational boss. I guess because I am friendly to about everybody, and don't mind to listen, I tend to be asked for an ear. This work friend readily admits that she is not keeping up as well as she would like. But I also know the personalities she has to deal with. So I do believe she would be able to do her job (she has plenty of experience and background for it), if it were not for others' control issues.

Rather than rambling on about that injustice... back to the topic at hand. When, if ever, do you come to a point of moving on?

Then again, maybe you shouldn't. My bad girl girlfriend in NKC sent me this email yesterday:
I used to believe in the concept of one best friend,and then I started to become a woman.

And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up, God would show you the best in many friends.

One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man.
Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom.
Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.
One friend will say, "Let's cry together,"
another, "Let's fight together,"
another, "Let's walk away together."

One friend will meet your spiritual need,
another your shoe fetish,
another your love for movies,
another will be with you in your season of confusion,
another will be your clarifier,
another the wind beneath your wings.

But whatever their assignment in your life,
on whatever the occasion,
on whatever the day,
or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back,
or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself
those are your best friends.

It may all be wrapped up in one woman,
but for many, it's wrapped up in several...
one from 7 th grade,
one from high school,
several from the college years,
a couple from old jobs,
on some days your mother,
on some days your neighbor,
on others, your sisters,
and on some days, your daughters.

So whether they've been your friend for 20 minutes or 20 years, AND ONLY IF YOU'D LIKE TO, pass this on to the women that God has placed in your life to make a difference.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

For the Record...

Having precognitive dreams freaks me the bleep out. It's groovy when something nice is going to happen. Not so much when they make me feel bad.

Reasonably, the only ones I really remember are when I'm under stress, or (as recently) in pain. Part of me would be happy to quit my job and research this on a full-time basis. I would love to cultivate broader access to Camille. Realistically, it is not feasible.

I'll be happy when my body thinks it's back to normal. As much as the girl gets. No snide comments from Igor!


Follow Up

Arm is doing much better, swelling considerably down, now just a nasty bruise on my elbow. Range of motion is not stellar yet, but improved. Still can't grip without pain, or hold much weight in my right hand. My wrist has been reminding me to not push. You can guess how hard it is for me to behave myself.

I have renewed respect and admiration for Camille (duh, like when do I not?). I can't imagine having to relearn everyday reactions with my weaker side. Granted, she was in her early 20s when she paralyzed, but still. I haven't even tried writing, and still am seriously impaired.

Evan seems a bit put out we aren't taking him to the Rush concert in August. I'm not sure he understands it's a school night, and mom was too cheap to pay $65 for him to go. He can just add it to the list of things I've done to scar him for life.

Degolar found an important site. Support democracy in action. While I seriously doubt Amidala is the appropriate Star Wars image for stamp history (vote results as of Wednesday morning)... I have no doubt many an enthralled fanboy who would die happy if she won the vote.

Granted, I did smile after the page loaded, and I heard the TIE fighter and lightsaber sound effects. And if the fanboys can vote for Amidala, then I can vote for rogue Han Solo and Chewbacca!


Friday, April 20, 2007


My softball season has ended, the night it began. I was clumsy and fell down during a play. Scraped up my leg, isn't that pretty? Also managed to jam up my elbow, trying to catch my fall. More out of embarrassment than anything, I failed to give it the proper due, and continued to play, albet in pain. That was Wednesday night.

Called the doc's office Thursday morning, after soliciting opinions from the nurses at work. That's the handy thing about my job. Doc's office didn't have an opening until this morning (Friday). Yes, I could have gone to the ER Wednesday night, or sometime Thursday. But after working in this field for so many years, I didn't feel like wasting my time (and money) only to be aggravated by stoned drug-seekers and apathetic staff. Besides, I wasn't in *that* much discomfort. Aren't I the martyr? (gag)

PCP sent me over for x-rays this morning, and bless the hospital staff, they pulled me right in. Was out of radiology, with films in hand, by 11 a.m. That has to be a record! Although this is not a picture of my bones, it illustrates a radial head fracture:

Next was a trot out to the specialist's office. Upside to that, was I got to chat vis-a-vis with a gal I used to work with at Blue. She apparently called to warn the staff I was coming out, so they were already teasing me when I arrived. That's alright with me. Means they have to take care of me, since I know one of their own.

Final verdict is no splint at this time, protect the arm, and wait for swelling to subside. Then they'll x-ray again in three weeks, and start physical therapy as long as my joint stays aligned.

Which doesn't sound like any big deal at all... other than it's my right arm, my dominant side. I'm finding a whole new appreciation for living life on the "other side". Now I'll look even more like my lefty sister, and lady Andrea. Yet another reason it was beneficial our parents married!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Things I Miss, Not Working Downtown

Thankfully, the article also answered my question... where are the Star Wars stamps? They come out May 25.
Lyndy smiles.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pretty Colors!

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Puppy Love

My brother made my day... sending me a "Hi, Aunt Lyndy!" text.

I love these babies!

Archie is the big, gold boy. He is two, with a birthday around Thanksgiving. He's a Rotweiler-Lab mix, and sturdy! His head seems as big as a basketball.

To the right is the German Shepard, Shadow. He is the ADHD child of the family. But what a lover, he is! His birthday is in February, that good Aquarian boy. He's also two years old. Justin and Nic got the boys pretty close together.

Baby Bella is in the forefront, on the left. She's a sweet Australian Shepard, helping ease the loss of Miss Lily last year. I'm glad she's young, and needs the exercise. She and Shadow can chase each other around to keep busy. Archie's getting too cumbersome and lazy to be much of a challenge for Shadow.

Brother Crash is the newest dog to the clan. Justin found him down by the shops one night, injured and abandoned. He took him to the vet with the intent to post "found" signs. Knowing my brother and his open heart, once he got home, that was all she wrote! I'm not sure how old Crash is yet, or his breed. Justin told me once, and I've forgotten already.

As his family grew so quickly, my brother wasn't sure how to transport them all. Because when we have a family function, the babies have to come, too! Although I told him he deserved to drive a minivan (he was contemplating getting one), he found a truck topper.

Those doggies are also spoiled rotten by Grandma. My mom spoils all of us, though. For Easter, not only did the puppies get a basket of goodies from Grandma, Bella even got her own little purse! My mother cracks me up.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Sweet Jesus

... my head hurts real bad. I love the spring weather, but it gives me headaches that will not quit!

It was a good weekend. Met with the softball team Friday night. Ran out of time for a practice before this Wednesday... but it's not like we are expecting to win every game. The sooner we play and get done, the sooner we get to the beer! Oy, talk about another headache, there!

Saturday was work day at the store. A few of the kids came over after close, to play cards and drink. It was a fun time, although poor Evan probably didn't know what to think of his mom being so loud and giggly. Oh well, it will give him something to tell the therapist years to come.

Sunday, I tried to be a good girl and go to the gym. Even though I really didn't want to, and was rocking a tropical hangover. As it turned out, we were too early, so got off the hook there! The day wasn't all lazy, though. Wendy called and asked me to trade the second half of her shift at the store for Tuesday night. I betcha the weird new girl ended up getting on her last good nerve. And yes, you should be very afraid if *I*'m thinking someone is weird!

Now it's back to the office grind. At least I'm getting lots of compliments on my Coach wanna-be dress!~

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rain, rain, go away

Working today at the store, thankfully have tomorrow off. D's gone to visit his buddy in OKC, and I don't have any plans to play! I fear I really may be getting old.

Hopefully monster and I will be get to see 'Ghost Rider' tonight. I had a dream last night he was kicked out of school for hanging around his bad influence friend and looking up porn on the school computers. Now I'm not so sure exposing him to Eva Mendez's exposed cleavage is such a good idea... no matter how lovely it is! Maybe we'll just go to dinner.

To keep you entertained, Eric Poulton's put up a link to his art:
Interesting enough stuff, and a chance to get Steampunk Star Wars prints, for you geeks out there.

Apparently someone is taking both the steampunk movement, to heart. Hopefully they haven't hijacked an R2 mailbox from the postal service for their experiment:

More later!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

And the Day Goes to Poop

Ran off reports to start a patient review I took over from another analyst: 200+ pages, double-sided

Got an email about the store: shipment arrived at 2pm: 80 cases. Yes, those have to be allocated by close tonight.

Good thing it's margarita night at El Mezcal!

I will give props to the state attorney. He actually gave me a green light early, so I can file a summary tomorrow morning, than by close of business. I feared I'd be held to the last minute, as is his usual MO

Then I get another email... between the store girl I'm emailing, and the store girl I talked to on the phone, they've got all their wires crossed, and now we're chasing a communication circle. Oh good lord!

Happy (insert celebration here)!

Happy Anniversary to my dad and lady Andrea! They have been married 21 years. Good lord, that is a long time! Mom and Alex will be married 22 years this August. Everyone gets confused when I call all of them "mom and dad..." It is just too complicated to refer to them otherwise, since everyone's been remarried much longer than their formers. Which just made me realize, I was already half grown when they got remarried... yikes! I wasn't feeling particulary old, until now!

It's also Art Alexakis' birthday! This will make me feel better, to talk about and post pictures of fun rocker boys. This is one of my favorite pictures, not only for the lineup, but I just like the overall setting:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Three Will Have a Crowd

I didn't pay much attention to the first two Shrek movies. Cute, to be sure... but not something I felt compelled to run out and see.

After reading this article, however... I may have to change my outlook. Mike Myers and his Scottish brogue can get on my nerves, and I don't care much for Eddie Murphy, or Cameron Diaz... but the potential for hilarity runs high, given their list of supporting characters.

Fairy tale comic princesses?
A 'completely different' magician?
Swedgin ? Presumably the edited version!

Oh yes, this should be interesting. And again (probably not for the last time, either), I will disappoint my boyfriend by cheering Justin Timberlake... as the zero-to-hero. While I may only know one N'Sync song (thankfully!), the boy seems to be trying to build some well-deserved acting cred. Besides, he's bringing sexy back.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wait for It...

Went to see '300'-- and plan on giving my opinion... but want to reread the comic to refresh my memory.

Initial reaction was a "hell, yeah!" Visually, it rocked. The coloring was quite perfect. And of course I won't complain about the very, very pretty cast.

While my lovely boyfriend will be disappointed I was enthralled by the slow motion march towards the camera... in my defense, the rock music score hypnotized me. I had no choice. The night scene, watching the Persian fleet crash upon the shore, during that rain.... *that* was a rock star moment. Wailing guitars and stoic stances are a powerful combination.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Back to Reality

Leaving Phoenix yesterday, 5:20 p.m local time..... 90 degrees

Landing at KCI two and a half hours later.... 37 degrees. Good lord!

All in all, an awesome trip. No problems with the flights. Managed to avoid Yuppiebees (Chili's is better anyway), and found a new favorite with El Toro Bravo.

We wrapped up our tour with excellent chill time at Fox and Hound. Their set up was pretty similar to the one in Overland Park, other than they have a pool table in the huge foyer. Makes me want to go back to the one in KC again soon.

And, bonus! Finished Prachett's "Wee Free Men" and the first in a series of Anita Blake, vampire hunter books-- appropriately enough titled "Guilty Pleasures". Don't judge me!

Degolar, I tried... I really did... to try and finish "The Hobbit". Made quite a bit of progress. But after in comparison to the writing style of the other two, I was struggling mightily. The truth be told, I think it's just because Bilbo is not my favorite Tolkien character. Can you really blame me... when you have all those other pretty warrior boys?

PS: That reminds me-- Girls, take note! Saw the trailer for Karl Urban in "Pathfinder". He's awful pretty. AND! He's appearing with that yummy Christian Bale in the next Batman movie.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Art Needs a Haircut

It looks nasty when he lets it grow out.

Fan pic from their show yesterday (Tempe Music Fest). Yes, I'm still griped I missed them. They are getting ready to take on Canada. Eh!

I'll be back Thursday, with updates on the desert. Everyone behave!

And send some "baby, get here NOW!" wishes Sarah Kate's way. She's good enough, smart enough, and darn it, people like her! We like new babies even more!