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Leaving Phoenix yesterday, 5:20 p.m local time..... 90 degrees
Landing at KCI two and a half hours later.... 37 degrees. Good lord!
All in all, an awesome trip. No problems with the flights. Managed to avoid Yuppiebees (Chili's is better anyway), and found a new favorite with El Toro Bravo.
We wrapped up our tour with excellent chill time at Fox and Hound. Their set up was pretty similar to the one in Overland Park, other than they have a pool table in the huge foyer. Makes me want to go back to the one in KC again soon.
And, bonus! Finished Prachett's "Wee Free Men" and the first in a series of Anita Blake, vampire hunter books-- appropriately enough titled "Guilty Pleasures". Don't judge me!
Degolar, I tried... I really did... to try and finish "The Hobbit". Made quite a bit of progress. But after in comparison to the writing style of the other two, I was struggling mightily. The truth be told, I think it's just because Bilbo is not my favorite Tolkien character. Can you really blame me... when you have all those other pretty warrior boys?
PS: That reminds me-- Girls, take note! Saw the trailer for Karl Urban in "Pathfinder". He's awful pretty. AND! He's appearing with that yummy Christian Bale in the next Batman movie.

Sorry to hear you weren't able to enjoy the Tolkien. I'm a bit surprised, but I know it's not for everyone. Did you like the Prachett?
And I saw a trailer for Pathfinder way back in August and then it disappeared. Glad to see it's finally coming out.
I do enjoy the whole genre, and do enjoy Tolkien. I think my brain is just not cooperating, having recently watched (and read before the movies came out) the Lord of the Rings books. By comparison, the action is just a little more tame.
I loved the Prachett! It was so enjoyable, in fact, that I finished it within a day. Started reading on the plane, and finished by the next morning. Also helped that my body was still on Topeka time, so I kept waking up at 5am, taking an hour to fall back asleep.
I'm hoping to finish 'The Hobbit' this week. I've told myself I can't start 'Hatful of Sky' until I do.
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