That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

The downside of scheduling

The crop was a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I made good sales, and booked an appointment for next month. I even got started on my Job's Daughters project. It's good to get that crossed off the list.

The boys even came to visit me both days. E regretted the effort afterwards. But he perked up just fine after his mom bought him a pair of new sandals. It's all about the fashion, yanno.

I thought I had finally found a calendar to serve my purpose. Then I found out I spent six dollards for it. That was a bit of a shock. I've just come to the conclusion that all that back-to-school stuff is a major cash trap. Suppliers must be laughing all the way to the bank!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Rock around the clock

Tonight until almost midnight, and most of tomorrow, ladies all over town will be cropping at the hop. I'm hoping for big sales, and some time to actually work on my stuff!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Happy Happy, Joy Joy

I do have the best boyfriend. After a hard day yesterday, I come home and open the fridge to try and find something appealing for dinner. When to my surprised eyes should appear...? The Season 3 La Femme Nikita DVD box set! Talk about a great diet.

I immediately forgot the eating part, and set upon watching the DVDs. And never mind that I skipped to the last disc first. That was the one with the gag reel on it! D doesn't quite understand that checking out the enhancements, then going back to watch a movie in its appropriate order doesn't spoil anything for me. Life's short. You don't want to regret not knowing. You know?

Then my wonderous son today actually said he wanted to go look at BOOKS! It was all I could do not to faint. Good thing I didn't, either, as I was driving at the time. I had mentioned we could go look for a new video game to rent, and he said "I'd rather go out to (store) and look at these books. They have (blah, blah, blah)." Actually, he'll have to tell me again which books they were. I was still in a daze from him wanting to voluntarily go out and seek a book, and missed exactly what he was saying.

So today should be a good day. Even if work is a bit stuffy. With the change in weather, the indoor air is not circulating as much. Fat girls don't like to swelter.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I'm still more timely than Todd!

Igor has been the best of us kids in keeping his log updated. Even if he's having a hard go of it. Please send some good thoughts his way and help him lighten his load. I'll sleep better at night for your effort.

It would appear that I missed a good episode of Six Feet Under last night. Oh well. That will make the Saturday evening rerun all the more interesting. It's pretty hard for me to be committal to a new series when I still haven't upheld my geekdom crown by purchasing the Season 3 DVD of La Femme Nikita. At this point, I'd be happy just to find my freaking case of CDs from my truck. I had them when we moved. I had them even after we unpacked the new house. Now they are gone. sigh.

The Goddess Camille is feeling stronger and making more social rounds. I'm happy to watch her progress. Next week, girl, I'll be coming to see you. This week is already becoming too much.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wanted: Inspiration

Full moon is coming. I should have all kinds of interesting things to rant about, eh? Sorry, no such luck.

We did get to see a very pretty Victorian mansion in Independence, MO last weekend. It had a lot of history, and very pretty grounds. We also found a geocache. Thankfully it was found easily, for a change!

Mother-in-Law will be staying until August 2. Then she will fly down to the other siblings and wait for her apartment to open up. Monster Boy is home and all stoked he got to see the FF movie.

So that means work will probably starting ramping up. It's month-end this week. That always makes life interesting. Then if the problem children start calling and freaking out their new mother, I'll probably be answering fun questions. But at least I can do it with a smile, knowing that she'll have to deal with them, and not me! :P

Friday, July 15, 2005

Houses of the "Oh, Holy"

We have acquired a houseguest. D's mom will be staying with us for a few days (weeks?) until she relocates to North Carolina. It's a good thing to have her around Evan and to spend this last bit of time with her. But it does take quiet time away from D when he's preparing for work in the morning. Poor guy.

I can definitely tell that it's been awhile since I've lived at home. Even when I was married, we only had three of us up at one time. You wouldn't think that one more would make a difference. But now that E's walking, talking, and taking up as much space as the rest of the adults, you notice things in a hurry. Hopefully after the initial awkwardness wears off, everyone will relax into a routine.

Otherwise, I'll be catching up on a lot more cropping! :P

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I realize that I have two hyphenated headlines in a row. Sorry. I tried this headline without the hyphen... didn't have the same effect.

Anyway, down to business. Quentin Tarantino is dating Britney's husband's baby momma. And hopefully Shar Jackson is getting a BOATLOAD of money in child support. She deserves it.

Quentin, you are a smart, smart, crazy man. I'm happy, yet afraid, for the new couple.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Mis-ter Moore

Perhaps the entertainment industry is apologizing to Alan Moore for letting Sean Connery ruin League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Two more of Moore's books are being made into movies. V for Vendetta is to arrive November 5, and Watchmen has supposedly been greenlighted. iMDB is not listed a cast yet.

So a geek girl should be happy, right? Bah, you know better than that! The realist in me still believes Hollywood has run out of ideas. Alan Moore doesn't write warm and fuzzy stuff. League was more optimistic fare by comparison. And to give one writer three deals in as many years? It makes Hollywood look like a crack-addicted hooker. Though, the Wachoski brothers are directing Vendetta... so there *could* be some freakiness going on!

The best news still has to be... Hugo Weaving has signed on to play V! Schwing! Now if Gary Oldham signs on to play Rorschach for Watchmen, I may wet myself.

Which of course I'll merely blame on old age.

Happy Anniversary, baby.... got you on my miiiiiind!

Sorry, flashback to the Little River Band. I do love my folks for playing a lot of (and a lot of different) music when I was little. A song lyric pops into my head for most every occassion.

We're going to Scip and Betsy's this afternoon for an open house. They are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. It should be a fun time! We are looking forward to seeing them again.

What is a girl to do?

Apparently my writing is coming off more depressing than intended.

But I really don't think it's that interesting to merely post "we went to the store and the lake today".

So I'm not sure which direction my future posts will go. The Internet doesn't need another site of merely sound bites -- "and along comes the baby carriage for Ben and Jen", or "Britney and Cletus may really have a reason to buy the doublewide".

I'll have to think about this one.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

You Know It's True

I will go on record as saying...

Should Lance Armstrong ever fall down, and when he gets up, you can see cyborg machinery under his skin? I won't be a dang bit surprised.

Hopefully he won't find retirement boring. He'll probably be an exceedingly successful business man. Or he'll be on "Cops", staggering around drunk in a stained wife-beater shirt while being questioned by the police. Can't you imagine it? His blurred-face woman's standing on the porch, screaming obscentities at him, and he's weaving around, flipping her the bird. ha!

We're doomed

The St. Peterburg Times published a letter from Gov. Jeb Bush to a Terri Schiavo judge:

My head about asplodes trying to finish the first sentence. Much less the whole letter (of two sentences). Let us count the ways it annoys thee...

First sentence:
1. Excessive wording
2. Date formats are inconsistent -- June 25, 2005 versus June 17th (that errorenous format, btw)
3. Throws too many players in the mix -- I'm thanking you for doing something that relates to someone's job regarding someone else.

Second sentence:
1. Excessive wording
2. Again, too many steps in one sentence -- Due to one action, I'm reacting regarding other entity's issue.

Either Brother Jeb has no one to edit his communications, or they all think out loud down there. Not the sterling example of conservative education ethics they would want to promote. But then again, I'm happy any time narrow-minded conservatives look dumb. They must be some of the most blissful people on the planet.

Fantastic Four starts tomorrow. Monster can't wait.

Freakin' Tweakers

Maybe it's just a Midwestern problem... but why should it be so damn difficult to buy allergy medicine? Is there NO place I can go and simply pick pills off the shelf? Now you have to sign this, and pay that, and you better hope you only want the pills during a certain timeframe. Jesus Murphy... do they not realize how freaking close to the edge that can take a woman? Especially since I'm most often looking for them when I have a head(and face)ache bad enough to hurt someone. When a fat girl like me comes looking for allergy medicine, I am NOT using it to make meth!

PS: The terrorists that bombed London today... you guys suck. Bob Geldof's got a political agenda, and he's managed to get attention without killing anyone. He's even been knighted for his humanitarian efforts. Take notes. There will be a quiz when you go to meet your Allah. Better hope you pass. Asshats.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yeah right

W acts like he's concerned about global warming. My butt. If everyone starting driving more fuel-efficient cars, him and him's buddies would lose money on oil. But maybe now that Halliburton has pocketed another 5B from the gov't, the boys can take a loss elsewhere. Criminy.

Although I now realize the story is several days old, it still begs a cool tag:

"Your dog no longer wants steak... human brains instead, please. Still no cure for cancer.",10117,15739502-13762,00.html

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Irony for the Anemic Diet

Government officials should probably look at Walmart's career opportunities.

Reason Number 1 -- Kansas being a red, family-preserving, ethics thumping, good old boy state, couldn't protect the future of education. Whether you agree or not that they were forced to come back and do their job... the truth is, they aren't doing it. If they don't want to protect and better the public, then why try so hard to get the job? They should have stayed home.

Reason Number 2 -- A music guy should not have to organize a global rock event to make politicians do their job. The dude's even been knighted , presumably for his humanitarian efforts and not his recording achievements.

While it's awesome to see everyone pull together and give fans access, let's hope that it does some good. You can think that the media hype and public speculation are unreasonable. But what else is going to make decision-makers get up off their duffs and show some productivity? Optimism has limits. To quote SGM; "past performance dictates future response. "

Understand the cause: or