That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Call me the Green Queen

Bring on the trees for me to hug!

You scored as Environmental activist.

Environmental activist






Ruthless dictator




What type of world ruler would you be?
created with

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Her Royal Majesty... Queen Grumps-A-Lot

Haven't been blogging... have been grumpy, not sure why. Have been reading, but not anything too much fun. Not comics, but rather my astro books to see if there's greater cosmic explanations. Then I get sidetracked within those books with all the other little projects you can research.

In looking back at last year's blog entries for this month, would appear it's a yearly theme. It is the end of a fiscal year, so always an aggravating time at work. Our business is processing state business, and the agency we are responsible for has changed homes three times in as many years.

Long weekend coming, none too soon. Monster is in nature camp this week, keeping me busy with the transportation. He is having a lovely time, and we are happy he's not inside playing videogames all day.

We're planning on a Wizards soccer game Saturday night. One of the perks for giving the Chiefs a boatload of money this year. Also going to dust off the golf clubs (at least that's the case for mine) and whack it out at the driving range.

Monday, June 26, 2006

It's Going to be a Double-Up Drugs Day

Hmm... seemingly my insight and wisdom won't be well received today. That, or I'll at least have to curb the Captain Obvious comments. Don't they realize how difficult that can be for me? Hel-lo, Buspar! You are my friend today.

>>Monday, June 26

Even though you're just trying to help, consider the merits of holding your peace. If there were a reasonable chance that your comment, statement, speech, PowerPoint presentation, etc., would cut through the fog, it would be a different story, but right now that possibility is about on par with encountering a saber-toothed tiger at the local drive-in.
Today's star rating: ****

Star Guide:
* Yikes ** Negotiable *** Good **** Really Good ***** Stellar

Friday, June 23, 2006

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You

I thought I had come across the most surreal song lyric ever... "instant karma, all covered in cake"

Alas, it is not. But would it not totally rock, if true?

Whether the band is good, bad, or otherwise... I do not know. All I know is they have a song on the Underworld: Evolution soundtrack, currently residing in my truck stereo. Yes, it is time to rotate out the CD. Yes, it has been playing for several consecutive days. The girl in black-- she is not so good with the changing of the music. So when even *I* know it is time for something new, it has been too long.

My Chemical Romance -- To The End
from the album "Three Cheers for (something or other)", 2004
He calls the mansion not a house, but a tomb.
He's always choking from the stench and the fume.
The wedding party all collapsed in the room.
So send my resignation to the bride and the groom.

Let's go down!
This elevator only goes up to ten.
He's not around, he's always looking at men
Down by the pool.
He doesn't have many friends as they are.
Face down and bloated snap a shot with the lens.

If you marry me,
would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?

So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

She keeps a picture of the body she lends.
Got nasty blisters from the money she spends.
She's got a life of her own
And it shows by the Benz
she drives at 90 by the Barbies and Kens.

If you ever say never too late.
I'll forget all the diamonds you ate.
Lost in coma and covered in cake.
(Unfortunately, *not* "instant karma, all covered in cake")
Increase the medication.
Share the vows at the wake.
Kiss the bride.

If you marry me,
would you bury me?
Would you carry me to the end?

So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

So say goodbye to the last parade.
And walk away from the choice you made.
And say goodnight to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.


So say goodbye to the vows you take.
And say goodbye to the life you make.
And say goodbye to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

So say goodbye to the last parade.
And walk away from the choice you made.
And say goodnight to the heart you break.
And all the cyanide you drank.

To the last parade
Well the parties fade
And the choice you made
To the end

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Degolar Started It!

You Are Dr. Bunsen Honeydew

You take the title "mad scientist" to the extreme -with very scary things coming out of your lab. And you've invented some pretty cool things, from a banana sharpener to a robot politician. But while you're busy turning gold into cottage cheese, you need to watch out for poor little Beaker!

"Oh, that's very naughty, Beaker! Now you eat these paper clips this minute."

Ed: Bad Beaker, you dirty little monkey. Now come here and let me punish you, bwah!

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

Ed: well, duh!

Your Fortune Is

If you run into your ex on the street, just shift into reverse and keep going.

Ed: Brillant!

Your Personality Is

Rational (NT)

You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas. You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

Ed: who, me? HA!

Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people. In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally. You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought. Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent. At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

Ed: ah... like medical program analysis? dar!

With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well. As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly. On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

My Thoughts on the Week Thus Far...

So many freaks....

Not enough sideshows.

Monday, June 19, 2006

"Hockey is the new southern sport"

Wow. I hope not. Because that means the show talent will not improve.

Did you happen to catch the girl "singing" The Star-Spangled Banner pre-Game 7? I thought some owners daughter was put out there to make her daddy proud. Oy.

The NBA commissions pop stars for the "song" of the NBA finals. It's a national freaking holiday when Super Bowl acts are announced. MLB? Well, we'll have to give them a pass. Baseball has never tried to be cool.

Yet the NHL costs big money to run, charges big money for tickets, and wants big league respect. So the BEST act they could find to start off the LAST game of a down-to-the-wire series was... hell, I don't even know who she was. But I swear she looked like she was 16. And she sang off-key.
I haven't been following the NBA finals much at all. Yet it will be glorious when it is over. I find Mark Cuban to be extremely annoying. He's boorish, rude, and needs to lose the frat boy look. Dude, you're pushing 50! Do you not think it is time to invest in a better hairstyle. Even Steve Nash looks classier than you.

Though, I will be the first to admit my real reason for disliking Cuban is... he represents a lot of what is wrong with the league. You want fans? Fans that will spend money, support you season to season, and follow you on away games? Don't be a jerk.

Act like a jerk at home, and everyone cheers you. Who doesn't love to watch a train wreck? Act like a jerk on the road, and you're a dork. Because all your drunken beer buddies are at home, too cheap to travel. Folks that have the money and mentality to travel actually like to watch basketball. The game. Not the sideshow that is personalities.

Invest in some class, tell your players to practice some actual technique, and stop yer damn whining, Cuban. You're a father now, for crissakes. Man up, Nancy!

Fear Not, Faithful Reader(s)...

I'm gettin' to it. Just not sure what it's going to be yet.

Friday night -- monster boy had a buddy over for dueling. Father's Day came earlier for our resident rockstar. He was sequested the rest of the evening with his Rush Replay videos and CD.

Saturday -- Council Grove for Wah-Shug-Gah days. Car show and other fun stuff for looks. Double-date with the inlaws. Missed out on partying with work colleague off the lake, though. Took pics of the vintage cars and crowd. Will see if I can get them uploaded.

Sunday -- a lazy day until my momma called and made me feel guilty (but not from anything she said... just my own guilty conscience). Late round of well-wishing calls and gift delivery. AW's album did come out awful cute, though!

Monday -- got a whole lot of nuttin' planned for tonight. Baked ziti (mostacolli) on the menu. If I play it right, I won't have to cook again until mid-week. Ha!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Birthday, Goddess

It doesn't seem like six months have passed.

I miss you.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lyndy Is Weird

It is a good thing I don't live in LA or NYC, those places people go to "make it".

If they were all as funny as Pamie, I would be broke from buying their stuff.

Call me a sucker for dreams. But after reading her post about writing a book, I'm totally wanting to read it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Then Again, Maybe Not...

Seems the tarot generator is none too particular. I spun it three times, received three different cards. I stopped after it made me sad...

You Are The High Priestess

You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets.

Your fortune:

Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end.

You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open!

Camille's birthday is Friday. I should be trying more to reach her.

The Future's So Bright... I Gotta Wear Shades!

Remember when y'all were hassling me for saying Ben Roethlisberger was a big, dumb, clod?

Gotta love the boy. He is nothing but consistent. You have to be a pretty dim lightbulb for Joe Theismann to call you out. Dude, did you THINK (yeah, I realize that's not part of his equation) everyone was going to let the whole "no helmet on a motorcycle" part slide? Especially when you did?

Oy vey!

But just so all y'alls don't think I'm hatin'.... the true intent of my post is below. Not feeling terribly inspired to write, since it's been a busy few days. After Wednesday day's fraud workgroup and the night's softball game, we'll be done with obligations until the weekend. Full story at 10.

PS: I'm so damn good, I finished my school days fun album in less than a month. You should for one welcome your scrapbooking overlords. Besides, the tarot says so...

You Are The Sun

You represent the best of life - vitality, success, and and truth. You tend to have a strong, centered, balanced personality. Inspiration and discovery are your fortes. You are very mentally strong. A talented mind, you tend to excel at math, philosophy, and music.

Your fortune:

As well as you have done in the past, the future is going to be filled with more success. A new creative project is coming your way. Feed it, and it will grow into something huge. Great riches, recognition, prosperity, or happiness is coming your way. And it's possible that a fantastic vacation, or a new baby, is coming sooner than you think.

That's all cool.... other than the whole baby thing. We don't need none of that. I don't think I'd be nearly as sweet of a mom this time around. Oh, and I had to giggle about the math.

We did have a pretty fantastic vacation in February, though. And we're going to Clayton (Raleigh) in July. I never thought of Duke country as being fantastic. Boo Dookies! They suck.

Other than that, I'm all over it!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Bartender, set 'em up!

Coffee can help fight liver damage from alcohol

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Season 4 of La Femme Nikita released July 25!

Friday, June 09, 2006

It's Friday, so It's Brilliant!

"Reality is for those that can't handle drugs"

This nugget of wisdom via one of the few cool state personnel I have to placate today.

What is your favorite snippet saying?

As for an update: Work's still busy, still annoying... but thankfully it's Friday. And I am finishing month-end chores.

Now I have to go medicate myself.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I am having an exceedingly aggravating day. So many people to hurt, so little time. And it's only f'in Wednesday. My neck is killing me.

PS: The new LiVE album? That I've been waiting seeming for MONTHS? It did not meet my expectations.

I can tolerate Ed Kowalczyk's spiritual ponderings and posturing much better to a heavy rhythm beat. Put it to acoustic guitars and orchaestra strings... it sounds like gospel pop.

Not what I wanted to buy at full price. Oh well, at least my purchase counted toward original album sales. Can't be accused of not giving the artist his due.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bitchin' Camaro

SharonA better watch out... I'm after her car!

What kind of muscle car are you?
Clicky on the picture!
Take the quiz:
What kind of muscle car are you?

1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28
You are a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. You love your car....your friends love your car and thats whats most important to you! Your car really hauls ass! You feel bad that they aren't making Camaros anymore....but don't worry...cuz you know they'll be back!

It's 6- 6- ZERO 6, dammit!

While I can champion the ideal of anarchy and rebellion... the devil and his minions won't get any due from me, today.

As someone who must keep multiple years worth of files, data, and medical records straight.... I can tell you:

People that drop the zero off numeric dates annoy the CRAP out of me! So when you tell me I'm full of chit, you'd be wrong. Besides, I have this thing about not wanting to retain waste in my body. I'm too paranoid of cancer, and all that.


Okay, even I catch myself leaving the zero off single-digit months. But it is not necessarily by choice! When I would write numeric dates in full digit code (06/06/2006), my nonsystems-literate colleagues made fun of me. So I find myself writing to other's level of comprehension. And that, my dear readers, is another blog rant unto itself.

But when I see professional recordkeeping (at my work, it's medical related), where the clinician has dropped the zero off... of the YEAR? My head wants to asplode. Can one be ANY more lazy?

Try keeping several years worth of publications, pictures, or other time-defined dated on a computer. It doesn't matter if you're talking about Word, Access, or plain ol' Notepad. You can't label it "June 2006" and have it appear sixth on a date list, starting with January.

You have to label it 200606xx, or such. You also can't just label it 20066xx and have it show up in the right position. But try telling that to a bunch of women who may have not used a personal computer until they started this job. Now who's the freak!?!

It also doesn't help that our newest claims processing system puts the year first. So now all the dates (just in that system) are YYYY/MM/DD. Thanks for being opposite of all the other operating systems we have out there, guys!


Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Happiest Woman on Earth

This article on Priscilla Presley bothered me when I first read it. But I wasn't sure how best to summarize my thoughts.

Thankfully, Ali's post about Botox provided the inspiration I needed.

First of all... Jesus Murphy! Priscilla is *61* years old?!? What is she doing to look so young? My vote goes to sucking the blood of young virgins. More realistically, though, she is probably chocked full of Botox.

So if you are 61 years old... why not act your age? She's opening up some Scientoligist clinic to battle drug addiction. Enjoy your advancing age. Travel, make business plans for Graceland... you don't have to prove anything more. Just don't try to piss anyone off.

But I guess if you're working in vampire years, 61 is the new 30.

Speaking of vampires.... enough with the Scientologists already! Why can't they use their powers for good, instead of mind-numbing cults? Rather than bitch about who is on psych drugs and why they shouldn't be, why don't they worry about the government?

Get the government out of my uterus and away from people in love (no matter what sex they are). Then I'll be willing to listen to your aliens from space anti-psych psycho babble.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Just Say NO, Len

It might just be me...

Len Wiseman wants to make a Die Hard 4

Am I being cynical in asking -- WHY?

Wiseman is presumably creative enough to come up with a premise on his own. No need to ride on the coattails of an exhausted franchise. Oh yeah, and you have to overlook that little quote from Bruce Willis, back in the day, that he was done with John McClane.

Apparently though, you can never say never. Yet all I can think to say is... hack!

Realistically, perhaps, it is a necessary move on Wiseman's part. Getting movies bankrolled and his art out there must take more than I realize. He may think that by taking this more mainstream project, he will have more clout for independent fare.

But I really don't feel that is what he's thinking! It is more likely: "Ka-ching! Now I just need to find a reason to put my too-hot-for-me wife in the movie. If I can figure out a way to have her naked or in goth leather... bonus!"