That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Friday, December 30, 2005

The quick post -- a memoir of memes

I wanted to put something new up (since Igor has abandoned his blog....again). But I wasn't quite ready to recap the holidays. So I plagerized ktbuffy's blog. She's a smart and funny girl--give her some love:

7 Things to Do Before I Die:
take a month holiday in Europe
Take E with us
Go to the Smithsonian in DC
Renovate a house to my taste
Own an unnecessary, but personally rewarding hobby car
Learn how to work on cars
Teach my son how to survive in life

7 Things I Cannot Do:
Conserve money
Challenge my parents (without guilt)
Resist chocolate
Find a pair of attractive dress pants with pockets
Keep my opinions to myself
Condone or tolerate snobbiness towards others
Reconcile the fact I won't be able to talk to Camille anymore (someday I will, though)

7 things that attract me to people:

7 Things I Say Most Often:
There ya go/are -- which now I notice E says ALL the time!
Oy! -- mostly
Oh, good god! -- also work-related
No way!
I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation at this time...

7 Books or Series I Love:
Sue Grafton's alphabet series
Anne Rice's vampire chronicles
Kathleen Woodiwiss romance novels
Nancy Drew detective novels
cookbooks for everyday living
my heritage scrap book album
Evan's baby scrap book album

7 Movies I can watch over and over:
Any of the Star Wars movies (especially The Empire Strikes Back)
the first Highlander movie (the others are more painful to watch)
most of the Star Trek movies
Terminator 2
Real Genius
Rocky Horror Picture Show
American Graffiti

7 people I want to join in:

Monday, December 26, 2005

Oh yeah...

How about them Jayhawks? And the Chefs? Great googly moogly.

I can't believe Igor passed up an opportunity to try and make fun of Kansas. Although Kansas City is all but packed for the season, it is still nice to win against Martyball.

You're slackin' in your old age, Lefko.

Hank Jr. has to find a new gig

Tim McGraw may be muy McCute, but I about had to gag when I saw Toby Keith pulled into the promo. Does ABC only think country people watch football?

Clicky the linky:
Monday night football goes to ESPN

Saturday, December 24, 2005

You need ho-ho-hos for Happy Holidays!

Have a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, a bountiful Boxing Day, a krazy Kwanzza, and a rockin' Ramadhah!

It will be nice to hang with the family. I was able to sit and chat with my dad today for the first time in too long. And hopefully us Boaz girls will be able to knosh and kibbitz before everyone has to go back to work.

Life is good. Still a bit sad, but life is good.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

For Camille

I have lost my best friend. She was a woman bigger, stronger, and wiser than her body would allow. If it were not for her, I would not have risen above complaisance and achieved a fulfilling life.

Although I know she lived a lifetime longer than expected, it does little to diminsh my pain. For the entire time I knew her, she was helping others. Only within these last years was she being rewarded for all of her struggle. I still don't understand or appreciate the inequity of it all.

I am lucky, in that I have a wonderful boyfriend, son, and family still here to help me. Their support has been wonderful, and I am happy to be so loved. But for now, my heart breaks. I hope I can be half as awesome of a role model. Kick ass, babe. I will miss you.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Meaning of Vapid

Pronunciation: 'va-p&d, 'vA-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa vapid wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam: lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force : FLAT, DULL
synonym see INSIPID

It is confirmed that E! entertainment channel has jumped the shark.

Not only did they pay Lisa Gastineau a likely obscene amount of money to film and air her "celebrity life"... but they were stupid enough to start up another season.

The daughter Brittany is definitely smarter than her mother. She took her 15 minutes of fame from last season and appears to have bettered herself. At least she went on a trip to broaden her horizons beyond shopping and eating. Even found herself a boyfriend. But because Mommy Dearest can't seem to be interested in anything but herself, she's guilted the daughter into returning to NYC. So that they can continue to prostitute themselves. At the beck of some questionable guy that approached mom during a lunch out with her friends. And mom took him seriously!

But mother is not very smart. She whines and complains about getting kicked out of her Upper East Side apartment after she is caught for breaking the rules (filming in the building). She whines and complains that she can't make coffee. Add a little drama to that, after she intentionally knocks the coffee onto the floor, then asks if someone can clean it up.

She also cannot seem to take the time or money to get her dog housebroken. What kind of self-respecting socialite is she? If she can't entertain guests because her house smells like a kennel, who is going to take her seriously as a commodity?

I wanted to try and watch one episode. The ladies are attractive enough, and seem to have good taste. But try as I might, I had to turn the channel. My IQ was dropping too fast. I could not stand to hear Lisa Gastineau's voice for one more minute. She is a complete and utter waste of oxygen. I hope daughter Brittany listens to reason and takes back for LA. She's going to be better off. Not only careerwise, but emotionally as well.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I love the holidays, but hate doing them

Today was the account holiday food day. Following our team holiday food day on Tuesday. And there is a family holiday lunch on Saturday.

I'm going to go puke.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Keepin' It Real

As promised-- Our tree with the older style bulbs:

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Yeah, so I haven't grown up? What about it?

My parents were right. I'm never going to grow up.

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I love this album

It's not their new one. But it is one of the most solid albums I have heard in a long time. Note to the boyfriend: Their new release is on my newly revised holiday wish list.

Changed my mind. Their back catalogue is on my wish list. Foo Fighters and The Colour and the Shape.

Monday, December 12, 2005

It's okay... I'm not so cranky today

There are few things that brighten a perspective than a shower and resolution.

The plumbing should be fixed by dinner time tonight. Good thing, since we haven't been able to freaking do anything with the water without threatening overflow. But I had finally had enough this morning. Decided to go to the gym. I knew at least there I could take a shower and wash my hair!

Hopefully the computer is fixed. By the grace of Windows XP, their system restore option will set the registry files back to factory ship, but not delete all of your personal files. At least all the icons are still on the desktop. The true test will come once we try to launch something.

The boys also put up the tree and made it look all pretty last week. I'll have D take a picture with his bangup new digital camera and post it. We're going old school with the modern version of the screw bulb tree lights.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I Haven't Got Time for the Pain

Good Lord.

It has been one freaking crisis after another the last few days. And this was supposed to be a FUN weekend!

D went to OKC to visit Jim and shop for holiday presents. Since he's been gone, it seems all I have done is sit in front of the stupid computer, totally paralyzed.

Some suckass scum hacker loser decided to weasel spyware onto our computer. The people that design and promote that kind of trash deserve to be banished to the seventh level of hell. Or Southwestern Kansas. And have their willies shrivel up and fall off. Anything to make their lives more miserable. Find a more productive hobby, for crying out loud!

I'm really, really, REALLY, trying hard to understand what profound lesson I'm to learn from this ordeal. Other than I'm supposed to give more of my hard-earned money to corporate computer gods to maybe protect me from unloved antisocials that think it is funny to mess with people?

That is a lesson to benefit everyone else but me. Not surprisingly, I'm not going for it.

PS: We also went to see the see the new Narnia movie. Good cinematography and accurate adaptation. But giving that I'm already kinda pissed at the whole Christian morale issue, I am not really in the mood for more of it in my face. And Liam Neeson is starting to become as over-exposed as Michael Caine. Bully for him.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The best of both worlds

Get this in a diet version, and I'm THERE!

Monday, December 05, 2005

At least it's a post

Any given Monday, I'm not too ambitious. So I'll link you to the following Kansas-related news articles.

Prince will fit in just fine with Powercat Purple

Broncos busted

Kansas bowl-bound

PS: Igor gets credit for the last one. One for the benefits of having a sports writer friend.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Drama Mama

I know it's just hair. But it gets on my last damn nerve when I have to sit on my stylist to not cut too much hair. I've been going to the woman for almost a year! I should not have to remind her every damn time to not take more than is absolutely needed.

And it's not like I do a lot of heat styling to my hair! So there is no reason at all to cut an inch of healthy hair off. It just twerks me off that I've lost at least two months of hair growth. I feel like I'm losing ground.

This blow also on a day that I'm worrying more than ever for my personal goddess friend. She still has not been able to go home. Now I fear she never will. Which makes me feel a little lost inside. The prospect of not having her in my life makes me feel like I did back in 1995. Which wasn't too damn good.

Friday, December 02, 2005


I am trying to convince myself I'm not a bad friend. And that I'm not old.

But after a long week of aggravating people and general lack of enthusiasm, I am glad to be home. The boots even came off upon breaching the door. After braving Wal-Mart, on a Friday in the middle of the holiday season.

I know what it is. Ten, or even five years ago, the thought of being home on Friday night... when I KNOW there is a function going on, would have depressed me. Too many people to see, temptation to court. It wouldn't matter if I was tired or had a headache the size of Cinncinati.

But knowing what I know now... about how not fun it is to drive home pleasantly buzzed (read: tired), and the security I have at home... it makes venturing out less appealing.

Maybe I'll feel different after changing clothes and if CSI is a rerun.

We didn't forget...

How's about them Chiefs? When I thought last week's game was going to be tough, I didn't think it was going to be tough for the Patriots!

D and Marcus are going to the game Sunday. Thanks to the ever-awesome SharonA. Chiefs vs. Broncos. Not only pride, but a playoff berth on the line for da Chiefs. And it will be COLD. That's probably most why my feelings won't be hurt I'm not going. Ha!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Equal time

The original thought was to put a pic of Kate Beckinsale in black leather up for the boys. Or one of the other aristocratic vampires in Victorian garb. But then I thought it was too much Underworld.

A suggestion was made for Jessica Simpson. Worthy enough, to be sure. But in a couple of years, we'll probably be seeing plenty of her when her father has her pose for Playboy. That guy ain't right. And that's all I have to say about that.

Then the thought was to put up Angelina Jolie, to commemorate the release of Mr. and Mrs. Smith this week. But like poor Jessica, Angelina suffers from over-exposure.

So hopefully a happy medium will be a bound blonde that looks like she might be able to kick your booty. Sorry it didn't get put up sooner. But I didn't particularly want to be caught surfing corset pictures on the internets at work.