That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Your Wednesday Moment of Zen

Listening to Jim Steinman songs is always interesting.

The spoken word "Wasted Youth" from Bat II:

Wasted Youth
I remember everything!
I remember everything little thing,
as if it happened yesterday
I was barely seventeen,
and I once killed a boy with a Fender guitar

I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster
But I do remember that it had a heart of chrome,
and a voice like a horny angel

I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster
But I do remember that it wasn't at all easy
It required the perfect combination of the right power chords
And the precise angle from which to strike!

The guitar bled for about a week afterwards
And the blood was true, dark and rich... like wild berries
The blood of the guitar was Chuck Berry red
The guitar bled for about a week afterwards
But it rung out beautifully
And I was able to play notes that I had never even heard before

So I took my guitar
And I smashed it aganist the wall
I smashed it against the floor
I smashed it against the body of a varsity cheerleader

Smashed it against the hood of a car
Smashed it against a 1981 Harley-Davidson
The Harley howled in pain
The guitar howled in heat

And I ran up the stairs to my parents bedroom
Mommy and Daddy were sleeping in the moonlight
Slowly I opened the door
Creeping in the shadows right up to the foot of their bed
I raised the guitar high above my head
And just as I was about to bring the guitar crashing down upon the center of the bed
My father woke up, screaming "STOP!"

"Wait a minute. Stop it boy. What do you think your doing?"
"That's no way to treat an expensive musical instrument"
And I said, "God-Damn-It, daddy,"
"You know I love you, But you've got a hell of a lot to learn about Rock n' Roll"
To which my ipod then switched to the crunchy power chord opening of A Perfect Circle's "Weak and Powerless". That was a good day.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Good Thing He's Still a Cute Boy

Neil Gaiman cut his hair short. I don't think I like it. Not that he nor his wife really care for my opinion. Just saying.

His new book arrived at home Monday. Haven't had time to read it yet. Thankfully I have most of next week off from the store. A shoe girl Sunday this weekend and possibly RenFest next Saturday. It's only taken me two years to get back there.

Hopefully Neil will get lazy and let his hair grow back long.

Now I realize why I like his beard picture so much... he looks like my boyfriend, as a brunette!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Kill, baby, kill

Probably a good thing I wasn't able to watch the debate tonight. Just reading the news coverage makes me want to kick Palin in the box and shove her.

She brings up Biden's son going off to Iraq to criticise war funding... and thinks her family is going to remain off-limits? I won't even give her the compliment of thinking she's a bitch. The dumb twat is more delusional than I thought.

I cannot wait for the morning assessments.

In brighter news, think I finally got the iTunes issue resolved! Pulled everything into a new file, and reconfigured where iT went to look for files. Here's hoping!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I Hate iTunes

10 gb of music, copied onto three DVDs and loaded the correct way onto the new computer.

Then why doesn't iTunes recognize the file? It is making me go and look for the file for every song I want to play.

On the old system, we had to remove all my iTunes files and reload them back on. I was able to click and play without issue.

Times like this, make me think I need a bigger iPod, or at least some type of external USB drive.