That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Day After

Sundays seem to be made for recovery.

The bridal party was a success all the way around. The bride and groom were happy to have guests, and everyone seemed thought the venue and agenda were appropriate. Lyndy got her drink on, which was much appreciated and due.

In her infinite grace, guilty pleasure programming seemed to smile upon me today. I already knew I could count on three hours of home do-it shows in the morning. But then there was the pleasant surprise of a movie with Jurgen/Jacob Kell. Ok, it was really cheesy and his character was a little butch. But why ask why, when you love to look at Bruce Payne?

And after returning from the in-laws, I stumbled across Coppola's Dracula. I love Gary Oldman.

Following that was Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned. I still don't know what Charlize Theron sees in him. Pretty to look at, for sure. Not a lot of acting depth to that boy, though.

Oh, oh! No wonder I thought David Talbot looked familiar the first time around. He was the second recent (eighth) Doctor Woo-Who!

Since I wisely did not need to try and tolerate any more excitement per day, the evening wrapped with the Sopranos and Big Love.

Now I am tired, after a long day of doing very little. As it should be!

PS: Yes, I was a bit link happy. That's just the way it is.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Now you'll know what to call me

10 more words you must know .. at least according to msn' Encarta

Given the mood I'm in today, any of them could be applicable.

My head is pounding, and my coworkers are giving me reasons to hurt them. Rain makes me restless.

I should put out my "do not disturb" sign. Everyone knows I'm disturbed enough as it is.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Imitation is to be the highest form of flattery

Preface: Yes, I'm stealing a theme from Degolar

Yeah, so it's not like I intended to go blog AWOL. Just haven't had the time or the funny (with credit to Ali) for summary. I appreciate you checking on me, Igor. Just have been slammed. Unfortunately, not like that!

Camped last weekend. Stopped home for about ten mins after work on Friday, then out to Pomona. Perfect weather; not too hot during the day, and cool but not too cold, during the night. Double bonus on (me) avoiding setup and teardown. Besides, far be it from me to interfere with earthy rockstars willing to take time off work and go out to choose a campsite.

Came back in town Sunday morning to get monster ready for his dad. Only to receive a call two hours later that he was coming home. Uprising at the House O' Drama, apparently. Which is a-okay with me, as I'd rather have my child safe with me than not. Still no word from Chef as to what the environment is currently. Guess I won't have to worry about it until Sunday.

Month-end this week at work. Time to update reports, activity logs, chart new work, peer work to close, and try to uncover my desk in general. Oh yeah, and draft the monthly newsletter, edit, and distribute by May 1. As if you couldn't tell... I hate month-end week.

Took my bridesmaid dress for alterations. I suppose it was a compliment that she wanted to take the sides in. But I don't think she realized that when the girls are where they will be for the wedding (with the appropriate formal support), that the dress will be too tight in front. Oh well. It's not like I haven't dealt with that before. My fault for not getting the right bra bought yet.

Bought decorations for the Jack & Jill bridal party this weekend. Don't know exactly what we're going to do with them after this is all over. But Cam and I already decided this girl is going to have a party worth remembering. It's twerking me off a bit that no one else is helping her enjoy her engagement. It makes me really freaking mad that her family is the least help of all. So those that don't show? They get talked about.

Still on the agenda:

1 2. Finish month-end stuff at work (scoff)

2 3. Make breakfast casserole for food day at work tomorrow

3 4. Friday: Lunch with interdepartment friends at Indian restaurant tomorrow (same as the food day... god, I'm going to be miserable)

4 5. Pick up monster after work and head to nephew's musical production in Highland (He plays Luminere in Beauty and the Beast "Be our guest, be our guest...")[Jesus, I'm old.. my nephew is 21 this year!!]

5. Saturday: Set up for bridal party at 4:30 p.m. oh crap! I just realized I haven't even ordered a shower cake!?!?!?

5 1. Bust off a phone call to try and have a cake ready on time for shower

6 7. Find a shower gift for younger cousin's bridal shower Sunday. I'm not terribly disappointed I didn't get invited to the shower. At first I was. But when I found out when it was, I already made my excuses. With any luck at all, I will either be hung over, or asleep, or both most of Sunday.

7 8. Don't forget to pick up balloons (and now, cake!)

8 9. Set up for bridal party at 4:30 p.m. (debrief to follow next week on the Celtic Fox. Supposed to be good food and fun. It will be the first time I've patroned the joint)

10. Pass out. Preferrably after a fun night of good food, fine drink, and incriminating photographs (not of me, of course!) And hopefully other things that cannot be mentioned at this time

But if incriminating photos would lead to the desired result, well, then, maybe.... ok!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is why there is no justice in the world

Or at least in professional acting. Have you seen the new commercial about Dannon Activia yogurt?

It has a stressed-out college girl frantically studying while her laid-back and cool roommate breezes in the room. Cool chic tells her friend that she eats Dannon Activia, *EVERY DAY*, and feels great. (time lapse) Frantic chic eats the yogurt, and is ready to hit the town.

Oh my god, the acting is horrible. You can't tell whether the actors are trying to be super-serious, or trying not to bust out laughing. Given that most casting directors already know who or what type they want for jobs, I'm not sure who to blame for the sensory assault. Much less the pain from my head wanting to asplode.

That is not anywhere near being right.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

With an NBA salary, hopefully he'll look better

Adam Morrison is leaving NCAA for his chance at the NBA. Steve Nash wants his hairstyle back. Greg Ostertaug will also be happy, he won't be the only gawky American white boy on the court.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Serendipity for the dippity kind

I found via this dude's blog, that Pete Townsend's girlfriend blogs. Beside's being one of Jerry Hall's friends and consultants for Kept decisions, she also has a band. I don't check her site very often. But today I did, and had to go "whoa!"

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Its been raining today, so i spent all day in my pyjamas. lucky Pete eh.
However, we are just about to go and have dinner with our good friends Adam Clayton and his girlfriend Susie who i adore.
I am wearing white bloomers and looking very silly but i'm on holiday so its allowed.
I hope you are all having a good break from the trouble and strife of life,

Much love,

Rach xx
posted by rachel fuller at 6:34 PM 35 comments

Now for the dippity part. I read the post and went "Adam Clayton, that sounds familiar. Who is that?" Then of course the next second I went "Duh! Just the guy you were blathering on about a week ago."

I am such a moron. How can someone at the same time be the queen of worthless trivia, yet have no short-term memory? Not that it's really *that* bad. But I do tend to purge data on a regular basis. One of my common opening lines to folks: "It seems like you've told me this, but I've slept since then. What is ..?"

Guess I'll have to use the excuse I gave half my brain cells to my boy when he was born. Which also reminds me.. Yikes! Monster will be 13 in a month!

Now I really do need to sleep, and restart my brain.

Hostess with the Mostess

SGM and Lady Andrea coming for dinner tonight. I've been a bad child and not had them over to the house, ever. And we've been here since last April! They still haven't been given all the pics from their potentate year. I'm trying to overlook the fact my 2005 album has a few gaping spaces, in need of pictures.

Brother J will also be making an appearance. Hope he brings my doggie babies. I love them little cuties.

Though not so little! Archie, a lab/german rot mix, weighed like 120 lbs the last time they checked. He's a big boy. And not even two years old yet! He kinda looks like a big, dumb, clown with his orange hair and wide, innocent head. He's my favorite!

Shadow's the ADHD child of the family. Sleek german shepard, with lots of energy and a short attention span. He's brother J's buddy. Imagine why? : P

Lillie is the matriarch of the clan. Twelve or so year-old dalmation that Nic has had forever. She's a sweet dog, neurotic, but keeps the boys in line. So I can't fault her there! If it weren't for her, the boys would let anybody in the house and lead them right to the valuables.

Dinner is salad, veggie enchilada casserole, and sweet cornbread. But I forgot a dessert. What goes with Mexican? Oh well, brother J is in charge of making that decision. Hopefully he'll bring cervaza!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

More shameful secrets

... caught Love Monkey on VH1. It may become my guilty pleasure crush of the season. Now let's just hope they make enough episodes to complete a season!

I love music, so repetitive references to musical serendipity in everyday life don't bother me one bit. And really, would could not love Tom Cavanagh? I never did watch Ed. But I can see why he would be popular. Besides, don't we all feel a little bit better about ourselves when we see others being so neurotic? It's also sweet to see that Jason Priestly is working again.

But the real shameful part of my disclosure may be, dear readers... that I am loving Tori Spelling's new show, So NoTORIous. *shielding myself from the hurled stones and produce*

Good for her to embrace her fame and play it for laughs. And Loni Anderson as her mom? Brilliant! Her agent is a hoot. If she actually makes fun of her short-lived (first) marriage, I will follow her most anywhere. She could eat a sandwich, though. Her hair has to way (way? no, weigh!) more than her body does.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Guess it's a good thing I'm not famous

I like Madonna. Ridicule me, revile me.

It's actually more accurate to say I like what she has accomplished. She may very well have slept her way to the top. But once there, she ditched the sleaze routine and just provoked. And oh yeah.. made a ton of money in the process!

I won't even hold the whole Carlos Leon deal against her. She may have done a smarmy thing, in getting a hot body to give her a baby. Reportedly he's being well compensated for his participation, and still gets to tag along on family things. Though dating Dennis Rodman.. okay, that was a serious error of judgment.

But she seemed to be on the path of total respectability and prosperity. Her last few albums have done well, she married a cutie younger man (10 years younger!), set up house in Europe, and has a better body now than at 20.

Why is she bound and determined to screw it up? Rumours have been circulating for months that Mr. Madonna is done with the whole husband-of-a-star routine. Think Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner. Now the family confirms there's trouble in rockstar paradise.

C'mon, Madonna. It's not like you need any more money. Time to relax and enjoy more of life. You have a little bit more now to be responsible for. Although you can afford to jet the children anywhere they need to visit their fathers, it doesn't mean you should. And I can't imagine that it is all that difficult to go home and enjoy your cutie husband. He looks like a perfectly nice naughty boy.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Black is perfect for any occasion!

How did they know about the porn?

Yeah, I'm not admitting to anything. Parents read this thing.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Family daytrip

Went to Missouri Town 1855 outside Independence (Lee's Summit?) today. It was a lot of fun. A nice, cool day for the walking. Not too many tourists. And a few reenactor staff on the job.

Even saw the poor sap at Liberty Tax working Hwy 7. Made me think of the Goblin crew.

Wrapped up the evening making CD copies for the monster, and D off playing video games with Marcus. Tomorrow is the first softball team practice. Guess we should have been working out today. Oh well!

PS: lunch at Chili's was really good. Get the Asian wraps.

PPS: We could not find a decent coffee stop off way-south 291. Had to settle for shakes instead. Oh, darn! : P

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I wish I knew how to quit giggling

So wrong... yet so funny. In a sensitive way, of course.

Brokeback bunnies

The end? ... wait for it. They're cavorting. in the closet. OMG

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So Much for the Afterglow

While watching the NCAA championship last night, I was tickled to hear Everclear's "AM Radio" on a GM ad. But because I am a cynical wench, I couldn't help but think that Art had indeed jumped the shark.

Not that there should be any doubt he hadn't already. Not only did he manage to drive away two of the original members, replace them with unknowns, and continue to tour under the EC name... But I swear he rerecorded "AM Radio" for the ad. With himself only as the backup vocals. That's some cheap maneuvering, there, Art. If he had released the version on "Songs...1", he would have had to pay the others royalties. Cheep bastiage.

Yet, I still felt a pang of melancholy when I learned Everclear would be performing locally.

For being a casino, Harrah's certainly makes it out to be just another club lounge. It will be interesting if both Everclear and Harrah's will be worth the hype.

Stay tuned!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Who knew?

Who knew the public library could be so hip?

The Topeka-Shawnee county public library has started a graphic novel section. With actually more books than you would think!


You can reserve them online, to be mailed to you. Brilliant!

I'm still kicking myself in the ass for relinquishing all those comics from back in the day. Who knew that it would have been more beneficial to keep the books, than the marriage? It was really a drag to transform from young lovers with disposable income to sensible parents.

But now I can check out all the books I want, and catch up on my favorite storylines.

These two arrived last week/end.