That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Brad Pitt needs to lose the mustache. Or at least incorporate it back into a goatee.

It's killing my fantasties. You can't be a hot super daddy and have a porn 'stache.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Check, 1, 2... Is This Thing On?

Sorry about that. Whole lotta life going on. And how about that election?!?!? Good times.

With the change in computers (and subsequent harddrive failure), have been sadly bereft of photos. Now thanks to the lovely boyfriend, you too can see where we've been over the last several meantimes:

There was the girl in black's 20-year high school reunion (beware of receding hairline glare):

Then our family road trip to Sioux Falls (and side trip over to Pipestone, MN):

And then I realized I don't have photos of it... but boyfriend also got a new toy! A bass amp. My dad still didn't fall for the ploy of us "holding" his jazz bass for him, though. Dangit.

And I still haven't read "The Graveyard Book". Double dangit.