That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Oh well

So much for having an uninterrupted work day... Maybe tomorrow.

PS: I am tried of drama. And I'm also tired of people that perpetuate it. Get a life, people. Or at least get out of mine.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fancy that?!

After a day of being besieged, belittled, and inferred to as a queen B... it comes out that my innocuous question to the ex was justified. Duh! They still don't believe me when I tell them that I'm not going to try and teach a pig to sing. You only end up wasting your time, and annoy the pig.

Some people should really stop digging once they find themselves in a hole. Especially since I'm too entertained to take the shovel away from them.

Oh well, that's one less fire I need to contain. My desk is becoming less and less cluttered. A few more days of uninterrupted work, and I'll be caught up. Thank you, Lord. I'm hoping that my family will remember who I am once I can get back into social rounds.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You know who I don't get?

Intentionally rude, inconsiderate, bitter, ignorant, petty, and angry people. People that no matter how many times you explain to them that you're inquiring to them about something NOT because you are interested in THEIR lives, but because of THEIR incompetence, YOUR life is being impacted. And the drivel excuse that gets put up if you actually point out they are acting childish? "My life is so stressful, I don't need to deal with this as well." Darlin, I have a news flash for ya... welcome to the real world. The line starts over there ------>.

My ex-husband still has to be a jackass every time I want an question answered from him. Does he REALLY still think that I give a hoot about contacting him just to get him wound up about something? Brother, please! My work provides me all the drama I need in life. I'm not interested in having it at home as well. It must be so nice to be so delusional and self-absorbed. And you wonder why I LEFT the House Of Drama?

I've already told him I'm not interested in hearing anything from him beyond what directly influences my child he sired. Oh... and that's beyond the fact that to even contact him I have to e-mail an account that he and the wife share. So if I get a snotty reply back, I never really know WHO sent it. Usually I can figure it out, since his wife has the courtesy to announce herself. And to be more understanding and professional. I know... in the modern age, it would be easier to raise him on the phone. But he ignores phone calls from me. Because he doesn't like getting hung up on when he starts to yell at me. Yelling at me when I tell him that I'm not tolerating passive-agresssive, abusive behavior from him. There was enough of that when I was legally bound to take it. Real mature, that one.

I long ago gave up thinking that he'll pull his head out one of these days. The dude has remarried, presumably well, and has established himself another family. Bully for him. Apparently it does not mean that he's grown up. All of the supposed adults of my child's life have moved on to better relationships, and created a more stable environment for the children. So why should he continue to expend the energy to be a jerk? Rhetorical question, I know.

Although it's stepping on my own karma, there are times I can't help but point out his own deficiencies. Some days I do struggle to not be cruel about it. Other days, it's just too fun to not. I will thank Diana for making me a more concise writer. It makes a witty retort all the more effective. Not that he probably truly gets it. But at least I know I've been able to support my point.

Oh well. There will always be nimrods in life. I suppose I should be grateful there are. Then I can appear more balanced by comparison. Still... it would be nice to be able to maintain a civil, working relationship with my child's other biological parent. You'd think it would not be so difficult. He's making it even more so. I'm hoping karma doesn't come looking to collect, with her 2x4 enforcer in hand. I'll be hard-pressed to not ask to hold her purse while she gets to work.

Monday, June 27, 2005

How could I forget?!?!?!?

Season Three of La Femme Nikita is to be released TOMORROW, TOMORROW, I LOVE YA, TOMORROW... you're only a day AAAAAAHHHWWWWWWAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!

Happy Birfday To You!

Happy birthday to Lady Andrea Holt! We can celebrate by legally buying fireworks today, woohoo!! That means is only a month until Illustrious Sir Lynn Holt's birfday, too!

Did you ever notice how all them Holt boys' birthdays seem to follow their women's? Hmmmm. Sounds like Dad must have given both the boys the same pep talk about girls. ;)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Too much of a good thing CAN be bad for you

Camping, biking, golf, and racquetball... all in one weekend. Now my bootie hurts. More specifically, the muscle in back of my right leg going to my bootie hurts. Either riding on the bicycle seat or manual shifting the racecar has pushed me beyond my limits. I'm *so* glad I decided not to work this weekend. Oy.

At least we got out to play golf. I had to look at it as play today. Especially since Hole 1 was hideous. But eventually I settled down, and managed to stay down on the ball. And even came home with all the clubs I left with. We almost could have come home with one we didn't leave with, though. But the kid came cruising by in this cart, looking for it. Is it really necessary to have a cart on a 9-hole pitch and putt course? You wouldn't think so. But what do I know?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Karma is not kind at times

We got to start off the week with wonderful news... my nephew was accepted to a dramatic school in NYC. He's excited, we're excited for him, and it's an exciting time all the way around.

Then we will wrap up the week grieving for a family member. My cousin's husband has passed away unexpectedly. It's the first loss to my generation's rank. Guess that's what makes it all the more sad. The sole comfort we can take from it all is that my cousin's parents had recently moved back to the area from out-of-state. So she will have lots of love and support to help her through this transition.

Please wish her well.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Support your Independent Pharmacy

... and I'm not just saying that because my brother's a pharmacist. Franchise, chain pharmacies... they are dumb sometimes. Unbelievably, how-can-you-be-that-dumb-and-have-received-a-degree, dumb. Yet they wonder why program integrity people want to take undeserved money away from them.

I worked with a pharmacist in Wichita two weeks ago on an access issue. Partially our fault, partially their fault for being lazy. So I tell them that I'll do all the paperwork for them, but the pills need to be dispensed. We're talking psychotropic and hypertension medications, folks. Not the kind you to can just ignore or use something over-the-counter in absentia .

So Pharmacist A says "no problem", and that they'll dispense the meds. I file the paperwork, and think all is fine.

Patient calls today -- "I still haven't received my meds. I've been trying to two weeks." WHAT?

I call the pharmacy -- Lab Tech says "oh yeah, Pharmacist B on duty called the next day, and they were told there is no guarantee of payment, so we reversed the scripts until we know we're going to get paid." This is their mistake Number 1.

I tell Lab Tech: "Well, that department tells everyone that by default. Until a claim is processed, we won't know what the exact reimbursement will be. But it's not like you don't know that you'll be paid, since the script wasn't early, didn't require prior authorization, etc."

Then I ask the obvious question: "So you did not dispense meds on the day that I put on your claim? The claim that you have now been paid for?" Their answer of course is "No. We didn't think we'd get paid." This is their mistake Number 2.

And just because I've had a Monday-kind of day, I feel like inflicting a bit more pain on them: "So why did Pharmacist B call another department for an answer (which conflicted with what I had already told them) on paperwork that already had my own contact information on it? Or why would Pharmacist B not think to call me for clarification once they heard an answer that conflicted with what I had already put in writing to [them]?"

Lab Tech: "uh.... I dunno." Mistake Number 3.

I was flummoxed. How could a medical professional be so counterintuitive? Editor's note: (Oh, how we did love using that word in debate rounds.) Now, I realize there are plenty of "dim" medical people out there. We see it every day. But it was astonishing all the same.

The pharmacy staff probably thinks I'm an a-one bioatch, but screw them. If they were so inconsiderate to not dispense the meds after they had already agreed to do so, THEN fail to go back to the paperwork origin to try and verify anything, and yet STILL not try and help the patient... well, they deserve it.

Oh, and here's the cherry. After hassling them for causing a patient access issue, I ask them: "So how are you going to display the dispense date on the meds you'll dispense today?"

Lab Tech: "We're sending them out with today's date."

Me: "Well, from a program integrity perspective, you're doing something unethical. You've already been paid for drugs supposedly dispensed on X date. To not have actually dispensed them, and now dispense them on a date that you're not actually billing for, that's not something a utilization review would overlook."

Lab Tech: "Can't I just put a note in the file of what happened?"

Me: [thinking to myself] Bwahahahaahhaha! I'd love to see that fly.

"Well, you probably ought to talk to your corporate program integrity people. That is the kind of question they should probably answer, since it is an issue that would come up in an audit."

All in all -- the patient got his meds, and hopefully everyone learned a lesson. I learned that you can't trust a provider to do the right thing, even when you try to help them. Hopefully the provider learned that they need not accept an answer at face value, especially if it conflicts with what they have in writing. And the patient should learn to not let two more weeks go by if their insurance isn't paying for something it ought to.

Not a wonder that full moon is coming. The psychos are starting early this week.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Feed the world

D's bought the Live Aid DVD. Powerful stuff. It's been a blast to the past, listening to all the music. It's also been a reminder of hair styles that should never again see the light of day.

E and I saw "Batman Begins" while we were in Des Moines. Absolutely geek-tastic! They did a good job. Katie Holmes was almost believable. But not quite. Christian Bale did a good job. I don't know if he'll become my favorite Batman... but he did a fine job. I even had to giggle when Rutger Hauer got fired at the end of the movie. Sorry dude, I still haven't forgiven Roy Batty. Sympathetic psycho 'bot or not.

We stayed in downtown Des Moines. It was nice. Even if the downtown hotels have a racket going by charging you for parking. Joiks. Especially since they didn't even wash all the buggies I squished off my truck.

Happy Father's Day to you daddies out there. You'll still always be the first love of your little girls' lives. Help eliminate the competition and make sure to tell your girls not to grow up and marry a man like you. It will save them a lot of heartache and resentment later on. ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

In this case, GO towards the light

My last day of work this week. Thank god/dess. The bulk of the legal deadlines are out of the way, and whatever fight we'll see from this latest round of manuvering will be a few days off. I might actually get to enjoy a few days out of the office. Coming none too soon, mind you.

My head and neck are killing me. Hopefully no one annoys me today. I might not be able to control my desire to smack them. Lord, give me the strength to not hurt anyone today.

We'll leave for Des Moines Thursday morning. We'll be back Saturday, later afternoon to evening. Just a short getaway to relax and get out of town. Our travel agent, D, has been researching the sights. So I'm sure there will be lots of fun things to do.

Ya'll be good.

Monday, June 13, 2005

No rest for the wicked

Now if I could just get to be wicked!

Lots and lots of work to do. Seems like everyone wants something, yesterday. Isn't it always the way when you're getting ready to take vacation days? Oh well.

Our customer might finally be getting a clue about how much work we have to do to fulfill their wishes. I'll have to keep track of how long it takes me to reassign a whole bunch o'folks, and all the system time to flag them. I'm grateful that maybe, somewhere, sometime, someone over there might actually try to advocate for us. But I'm not holding my breath, either. ;)

Monster is motoring along at quite the impressive pace on his bicycle. No more injuries, either! This should be the start of a fun and active summer. If we get real ambitious, maybe we can teach him golf. Or maybe we'll just leave him at home, so I'll actually get a chance to play this summer. I can't remember if I ever got to last summer or not. Well, I did, actually, once. But that was probably about it.

Batman Begins June 15. I hope it doesn't suck! Christian Bale looks nice and all, and Liam Neeson is fitting well into his mentor typecasting... but we'll see. Gary Oldham is James Gordon, so it should be worth the price of admission.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm only happy with it rains

Very mild weather here the last couple of days. Which is a-ok with me! Makes a girl restless, though.

I want to go to the city to visit the Goddess. She has returned home, and is on the way to recovery. Her birfday is next week, so all the better timing to pay her homage.

Or maybe we could go to Lawrence and watch the freaks. That is always a good time.

Tonight is the debut of D's first major video production. He was given the task to convert his dad's VHS tape to DVD of their Holy Lands trip. Cabin Productions did not only that, but printed promo materials and packaging. It looks pretty darn slick!

Monster Boy is learning how to ride a bike. I know, it's about time. But he'll certainly making up for lost time! In only an hour, he was navigating all on his own. It makes a momma proud. The night was cut short by an casuality. We have a skinned knee, but still high hopes. He must not have been too traumatized, since he was talking about going back out on the ride home. Even funnier... later the same night, he was anxious to see the band guys again, to show off his injury.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

I suppose there comes a time for everyone when they stop and look around at their life and say "so what am I going to do with this?" Work has been like that.

More indecision and annoyance from our client. New legal deadlines, which decisively squelch any anticipation I had of going to the scrap book mecca. More excitement to come in the next few days, as we let loose 1500 patients into an already saturated health care market. Wasted days in conferences and meetings. All the while covering another desk. Who's caseload has increased by 150+ over the last month. That's always exciting, eh? Then someone has the audacity today to ask me why I didn't attend an optional class. Despite the fact that I was the point person during my boss's leave day. Yeah, right. It was one of those moments you wish you had god-like powers. "I smite thee!"

The fool that came up with "the customer is always right" must have been dealing with a smarter customer. Ours certainly seem to not understand how infuriating their lack of foresight and a backbone is. We work and work and work to make sure a plan will execute with as few flaws as possible. Then as soon as it's implemented, and ONE secondary client complains (due to a process error on their end), then we all have to converge again, to undo and reroute what we've spent over a year plotting.

It's ironic, in a way, about all the timing. This time last year, I remember telling D "let me work until the minute we leave for vacation, then you can have my undivided attention." By the time we leave for Des Moines next week, I'll be telling him the same thing. I'm hoping I won't even have to work until the minute we leave, as it won't be right at the end or beginning of the month. And today I even saw the smallest glimmer of light light at the end of the tunnel. I'm hoping that only a couple to three extra days added on my work schedule will make me Mastercard ("everywhere you want to be").

And if not, screw it. It will still be there when I go back tomorrow. Unless I win the lottery. Then they better hope I leave them notes for all the files on my desk. :-P

Monday, June 06, 2005

It has to be me

I must be in another dimension. Because apparently what I think is aggravating as hell, no one else apparently notices. I can't even blame my intolerance on hormones. This isn't a PMS week (I checked)!

There are things going on around me (at work) that make me wonder how some people can manage to walk and breathe at the same time. Good Lord, people!

I will be the first to admit that system logic and computer programming do not interest me in the least. I find it tedious, even more so when I have to teach it to someone. But there are people that get paid, a lot more than me, to create and ensure that this stuff works. Yet it doesn't. And when I go in and find that the data (that is supposed to be IN the system to make logic work) ISN'T THERE! Oi.

So you can probably tell where I'm going with this. I go to the department to ask "why is there no data for this logic to work?" First, after not finding anyone *competent* to answer my question, I'm told "we haven't verified [that] yet". My head is about to asplode. Of course... we're already live with all the "editing" that this system logic is supposed to be catching. Am I just retarded for thinking that all the data necessary would be in place before they turn things on? It's not like no one has offered to verify the stupid stuff. We've certainly had enough time to dread the activation date. At this point, I'm going to probably end up entering each record by hand. Hell, at least then I'll know it's in there! Still no guarantees that the edit logic works, though. I really don't understand why this is so difficult.

Tomorrow I get the lovely task of trying to run queries to find out whether editing is working properly or not. At least, that's on my list of tasks to do.... Taking into account that I already have engagements for most of the afternoon, have several documentation files to catch up, have a new crop 150+ documentation files to input, filing, and have what seems like a bazillion claims to review. Not so much, yanno.

D reminds me that deadlines are not my sole responsibility. So what am I supposed to do? Have faith and rely upon others to make sure they do their job? Yeah, right. Things are supposed to get better in a few weeks, since new staff will be starting. But realistically, I know there will be a delay in getting new staff caught up to speed. Yet, even then, they won't be able to address the more aggravating system issues. This what I get for being an Aquarian. If there is an injustice or imbalance to be corrected, I'm the pitbull to sic on it. Either that, or I have some undiagnosed predisposition.

I thought I was being a good girl to stop smoking. So far, it's not been too difficult to do so. But I think I need a drink.

The only other explanation I have is that menopause is starting early (but most likely not). God save them all.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You go, girl

Jerry Hall, you rock.

Beyond the scads of money she made after divorcing Mick Jagger... and don't tell me that girl isn't smart. She made him marry her, after she had already birthed his children + divorce him as soon as he provides opportunity = profit.

But now she gets her own reality show to pick a "kept" man. She doesn't even have to keep him for more than a year. Genius. I'm not really buying the idea that she's totally converted to the British way of doing things, since she is a big girl from Texas... ya'll. But after hanging with Europeans for most of her adult life, I imagine she can posture with the best of them.

It's also pretty funny to see the input from her girlfriends. So far they've shown the g/f of Pete Townsend (respectable-looking, maybe a bit prudish), Charlie Watts' daughter (hip, respectable-looking woman) , and Bob Geldof's g/f (Parisian hookerish-looking). Oh, and Bill Wyman's wife, but not the jailbait one. He divorced her, and married a woman closer to his own age. How respectable of him, eh?

Anyway, this show is going to be fun. She's already voted off the John Travolta impersonator. Thank God. This boy was so thick-headed, he bought her book "The Ex Book -- don't get mad, get over it!" Oh my Lord.