That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You know who I don't get?

Intentionally rude, inconsiderate, bitter, ignorant, petty, and angry people. People that no matter how many times you explain to them that you're inquiring to them about something NOT because you are interested in THEIR lives, but because of THEIR incompetence, YOUR life is being impacted. And the drivel excuse that gets put up if you actually point out they are acting childish? "My life is so stressful, I don't need to deal with this as well." Darlin, I have a news flash for ya... welcome to the real world. The line starts over there ------>.

My ex-husband still has to be a jackass every time I want an question answered from him. Does he REALLY still think that I give a hoot about contacting him just to get him wound up about something? Brother, please! My work provides me all the drama I need in life. I'm not interested in having it at home as well. It must be so nice to be so delusional and self-absorbed. And you wonder why I LEFT the House Of Drama?

I've already told him I'm not interested in hearing anything from him beyond what directly influences my child he sired. Oh... and that's beyond the fact that to even contact him I have to e-mail an account that he and the wife share. So if I get a snotty reply back, I never really know WHO sent it. Usually I can figure it out, since his wife has the courtesy to announce herself. And to be more understanding and professional. I know... in the modern age, it would be easier to raise him on the phone. But he ignores phone calls from me. Because he doesn't like getting hung up on when he starts to yell at me. Yelling at me when I tell him that I'm not tolerating passive-agresssive, abusive behavior from him. There was enough of that when I was legally bound to take it. Real mature, that one.

I long ago gave up thinking that he'll pull his head out one of these days. The dude has remarried, presumably well, and has established himself another family. Bully for him. Apparently it does not mean that he's grown up. All of the supposed adults of my child's life have moved on to better relationships, and created a more stable environment for the children. So why should he continue to expend the energy to be a jerk? Rhetorical question, I know.

Although it's stepping on my own karma, there are times I can't help but point out his own deficiencies. Some days I do struggle to not be cruel about it. Other days, it's just too fun to not. I will thank Diana for making me a more concise writer. It makes a witty retort all the more effective. Not that he probably truly gets it. But at least I know I've been able to support my point.

Oh well. There will always be nimrods in life. I suppose I should be grateful there are. Then I can appear more balanced by comparison. Still... it would be nice to be able to maintain a civil, working relationship with my child's other biological parent. You'd think it would not be so difficult. He's making it even more so. I'm hoping karma doesn't come looking to collect, with her 2x4 enforcer in hand. I'll be hard-pressed to not ask to hold her purse while she gets to work.


At 11:11 PM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

When did Karma stop at Home Depot?

At 1:34 PM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

When they started carrying such lovely colors of paint!


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