That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm only happy with it rains

Very mild weather here the last couple of days. Which is a-ok with me! Makes a girl restless, though.

I want to go to the city to visit the Goddess. She has returned home, and is on the way to recovery. Her birfday is next week, so all the better timing to pay her homage.

Or maybe we could go to Lawrence and watch the freaks. That is always a good time.

Tonight is the debut of D's first major video production. He was given the task to convert his dad's VHS tape to DVD of their Holy Lands trip. Cabin Productions did not only that, but printed promo materials and packaging. It looks pretty darn slick!

Monster Boy is learning how to ride a bike. I know, it's about time. But he'll certainly making up for lost time! In only an hour, he was navigating all on his own. It makes a momma proud. The night was cut short by an casuality. We have a skinned knee, but still high hopes. He must not have been too traumatized, since he was talking about going back out on the ride home. Even funnier... later the same night, he was anxious to see the band guys again, to show off his injury.



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