That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Monday, June 19, 2006

"Hockey is the new southern sport"

Wow. I hope not. Because that means the show talent will not improve.

Did you happen to catch the girl "singing" The Star-Spangled Banner pre-Game 7? I thought some owners daughter was put out there to make her daddy proud. Oy.

The NBA commissions pop stars for the "song" of the NBA finals. It's a national freaking holiday when Super Bowl acts are announced. MLB? Well, we'll have to give them a pass. Baseball has never tried to be cool.

Yet the NHL costs big money to run, charges big money for tickets, and wants big league respect. So the BEST act they could find to start off the LAST game of a down-to-the-wire series was... hell, I don't even know who she was. But I swear she looked like she was 16. And she sang off-key.
I haven't been following the NBA finals much at all. Yet it will be glorious when it is over. I find Mark Cuban to be extremely annoying. He's boorish, rude, and needs to lose the frat boy look. Dude, you're pushing 50! Do you not think it is time to invest in a better hairstyle. Even Steve Nash looks classier than you.

Though, I will be the first to admit my real reason for disliking Cuban is... he represents a lot of what is wrong with the league. You want fans? Fans that will spend money, support you season to season, and follow you on away games? Don't be a jerk.

Act like a jerk at home, and everyone cheers you. Who doesn't love to watch a train wreck? Act like a jerk on the road, and you're a dork. Because all your drunken beer buddies are at home, too cheap to travel. Folks that have the money and mentality to travel actually like to watch basketball. The game. Not the sideshow that is personalities.

Invest in some class, tell your players to practice some actual technique, and stop yer damn whining, Cuban. You're a father now, for crissakes. Man up, Nancy!


At 10:30 AM PDT, Blogger Ted Carter said...

I can't get into a sport where the fans cheer the fights louder than they cheer the goals scored.


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