That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Imitation is to be the highest form of flattery

Preface: Yes, I'm stealing a theme from Degolar

Yeah, so it's not like I intended to go blog AWOL. Just haven't had the time or the funny (with credit to Ali) for summary. I appreciate you checking on me, Igor. Just have been slammed. Unfortunately, not like that!

Camped last weekend. Stopped home for about ten mins after work on Friday, then out to Pomona. Perfect weather; not too hot during the day, and cool but not too cold, during the night. Double bonus on (me) avoiding setup and teardown. Besides, far be it from me to interfere with earthy rockstars willing to take time off work and go out to choose a campsite.

Came back in town Sunday morning to get monster ready for his dad. Only to receive a call two hours later that he was coming home. Uprising at the House O' Drama, apparently. Which is a-okay with me, as I'd rather have my child safe with me than not. Still no word from Chef as to what the environment is currently. Guess I won't have to worry about it until Sunday.

Month-end this week at work. Time to update reports, activity logs, chart new work, peer work to close, and try to uncover my desk in general. Oh yeah, and draft the monthly newsletter, edit, and distribute by May 1. As if you couldn't tell... I hate month-end week.

Took my bridesmaid dress for alterations. I suppose it was a compliment that she wanted to take the sides in. But I don't think she realized that when the girls are where they will be for the wedding (with the appropriate formal support), that the dress will be too tight in front. Oh well. It's not like I haven't dealt with that before. My fault for not getting the right bra bought yet.

Bought decorations for the Jack & Jill bridal party this weekend. Don't know exactly what we're going to do with them after this is all over. But Cam and I already decided this girl is going to have a party worth remembering. It's twerking me off a bit that no one else is helping her enjoy her engagement. It makes me really freaking mad that her family is the least help of all. So those that don't show? They get talked about.

Still on the agenda:

1 2. Finish month-end stuff at work (scoff)

2 3. Make breakfast casserole for food day at work tomorrow

3 4. Friday: Lunch with interdepartment friends at Indian restaurant tomorrow (same as the food day... god, I'm going to be miserable)

4 5. Pick up monster after work and head to nephew's musical production in Highland (He plays Luminere in Beauty and the Beast "Be our guest, be our guest...")[Jesus, I'm old.. my nephew is 21 this year!!]

5. Saturday: Set up for bridal party at 4:30 p.m. oh crap! I just realized I haven't even ordered a shower cake!?!?!?

5 1. Bust off a phone call to try and have a cake ready on time for shower

6 7. Find a shower gift for younger cousin's bridal shower Sunday. I'm not terribly disappointed I didn't get invited to the shower. At first I was. But when I found out when it was, I already made my excuses. With any luck at all, I will either be hung over, or asleep, or both most of Sunday.

7 8. Don't forget to pick up balloons (and now, cake!)

8 9. Set up for bridal party at 4:30 p.m. (debrief to follow next week on the Celtic Fox. Supposed to be good food and fun. It will be the first time I've patroned the joint)

10. Pass out. Preferrably after a fun night of good food, fine drink, and incriminating photographs (not of me, of course!) And hopefully other things that cannot be mentioned at this time

But if incriminating photos would lead to the desired result, well, then, maybe.... ok!


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