That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

More shameful secrets

... caught Love Monkey on VH1. It may become my guilty pleasure crush of the season. Now let's just hope they make enough episodes to complete a season!

I love music, so repetitive references to musical serendipity in everyday life don't bother me one bit. And really, would could not love Tom Cavanagh? I never did watch Ed. But I can see why he would be popular. Besides, don't we all feel a little bit better about ourselves when we see others being so neurotic? It's also sweet to see that Jason Priestly is working again.

But the real shameful part of my disclosure may be, dear readers... that I am loving Tori Spelling's new show, So NoTORIous. *shielding myself from the hurled stones and produce*

Good for her to embrace her fame and play it for laughs. And Loni Anderson as her mom? Brilliant! Her agent is a hoot. If she actually makes fun of her short-lived (first) marriage, I will follow her most anywhere. She could eat a sandwich, though. Her hair has to way (way? no, weigh!) more than her body does.


At 12:43 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last five unaired episodes of Love Monkey are going to be on VH1 Tuesdays at 9 p.m. starting this Tuesday (4/18).

At 12:44 PM PDT, Blogger Ted Carter said...

Your not the first person I've heard begrudgingly admit they like the show. I may have to check it out after all.

At 2:17 PM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

Tuesdays at 9 p.m.? Allright! Now I just have to stay awake that long. Hoo boy, the life I lead. Aww jeez, I just thought of something.. Hopefully Miami Ink won't be showing new episodes at the same time. I like that show as well! Decisions, decisions.

If you're talking about the Tori Spelling show, I'm sure it won't be too much of a burden for you. Last week, she was scrambling on the floor of a sex toy store, flashing her panties. Oh yeah, and then she ended the show in a dominatrix outfit with whip in hand.


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