That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Guess it's a good thing I'm not famous

I like Madonna. Ridicule me, revile me.

It's actually more accurate to say I like what she has accomplished. She may very well have slept her way to the top. But once there, she ditched the sleaze routine and just provoked. And oh yeah.. made a ton of money in the process!

I won't even hold the whole Carlos Leon deal against her. She may have done a smarmy thing, in getting a hot body to give her a baby. Reportedly he's being well compensated for his participation, and still gets to tag along on family things. Though dating Dennis Rodman.. okay, that was a serious error of judgment.

But she seemed to be on the path of total respectability and prosperity. Her last few albums have done well, she married a cutie younger man (10 years younger!), set up house in Europe, and has a better body now than at 20.

Why is she bound and determined to screw it up? Rumours have been circulating for months that Mr. Madonna is done with the whole husband-of-a-star routine. Think Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner. Now the family confirms there's trouble in rockstar paradise.

C'mon, Madonna. It's not like you need any more money. Time to relax and enjoy more of life. You have a little bit more now to be responsible for. Although you can afford to jet the children anywhere they need to visit their fathers, it doesn't mean you should. And I can't imagine that it is all that difficult to go home and enjoy your cutie husband. He looks like a perfectly nice naughty boy.


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