That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

We're doomed

The St. Peterburg Times published a letter from Gov. Jeb Bush to a Terri Schiavo judge:

My head about asplodes trying to finish the first sentence. Much less the whole letter (of two sentences). Let us count the ways it annoys thee...

First sentence:
1. Excessive wording
2. Date formats are inconsistent -- June 25, 2005 versus June 17th (that errorenous format, btw)
3. Throws too many players in the mix -- I'm thanking you for doing something that relates to someone's job regarding someone else.

Second sentence:
1. Excessive wording
2. Again, too many steps in one sentence -- Due to one action, I'm reacting regarding other entity's issue.

Either Brother Jeb has no one to edit his communications, or they all think out loud down there. Not the sterling example of conservative education ethics they would want to promote. But then again, I'm happy any time narrow-minded conservatives look dumb. They must be some of the most blissful people on the planet.

Fantastic Four starts tomorrow. Monster can't wait.


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