Auntie Has to Brag...
This is about the most adorable Holt baby girl... since me, of course!

Yes, Trix... I know. I'd be worried that he's your daddy, too!
In other news that makes me smile, I have been able to spend a lot more time with my shoe girls. Even if it is us venting about annoying work related stress.
With one of them running the Legends shoe store, it has given us a whole new arena in which to nosh. Right now, Yard House is my favorite, followed closely by Granite City. We are checking out either Los Cabos or Cheeseburger tonight.
And, y'all librarians will be proud of me... did my part to contribute to Wyandotte county's municipality. Got a speeding ticket around the south side of the speedway. Even though everyone drives it as a 50mph zone, it really is a 40!