Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We Can't Wait to GO!
Break out the party hats, babes... our resident rock star is on tour, visiting the moms. Hookers and blow for everyone, at least until Saturday afternoon.
Lest we become despondent once this last trip adjourns, we have these photos to whet our Vegas appetite!
Yes, kiddies.... that IS a teevee in the bathroom mirror!
Friday, September 14, 2007
This is the Kind of Trip We Want!
From Overheard in the Office, one of the funniest (and probably only safe for work) sites Igor has exposed me to:
5PM Sounds Like It's Gonna Be Some PTA Meeting
Agent on phone: Good afternoon, Mrs. Arrington*. I just wanted to remind you to purchase a very snug belt before July 20th because you will get your pants rocked off!
6000 Camelback Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
I don't know if the geeks will be able to match that kind of excitement, but my rockstar was pretty excited to be told "we're going to Vegas, baby!" And I know that by going in December, it won't be 100+ degrees during the daytime.
It also is a double bonus for me, as now that D knows we're going, he will happily take over plans for accomodations and itinerary. I love having staff handle these things! My only standards were to spend at least one day at the Star Trek exhibit, and watch the Bellagio fountain show at night.
(Though I think I'll save my request to shop at the Coach outlet until we get there. He'll need a couple of drinks in him before he'll willingly give me that kind of money.)
Friday, September 07, 2007
If Next Week is as Bad, I'm Done
Good Lord, what a frustrating week! Especially for it being a short one.
All my favorite people stressed out, me off my walking schedule, and seemingly every person I came across was psycho.
THEN, we lose power for 16 hours. We're also going to lose a huge tree in the back yard. But think of all the firewood we'll have this winter!
The highlights of my week are that I finished Son of a Witch, and almost done with Maguire's Stepsister. Not sure what's on the reading agenda after that.
Busy weekend, but should be fun. Taking monster to cyber bowl with the mob. God love him, he still respects his momma even after seeing her socialize.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Wish You Were There!

The first afternoon, Wendy took us up to Troutdale, to a groovy hotel/ampitheater/restaurant complex called McMinnamin's. 311 was playing the venue, but we just went to the Power Station for food and brew. It was after noon!

Then we headed up the Columbia River Highway for waterfalls. The girls and Tom were brave and climbed down by the water pool at Latourell. Although poor Tom is merely washing his face, the photo does speak to his perspective on our visit. Hey, we told him he was in the pit of vipers!

Here's pretty Multnomah Falls. This being our fourth stop, old Lyndy whined so we could head back to Wendy's and clean up. We did get to meet her nice gentleman friend, and he bought us dinner and margaritas. Smart boy!

The next day was big hike day. We headed through Tillamook to the coast, and hiked down to a secluded beach:

Yes, we're headed for all that sand!

Unfortunately, we still had to head back UP the mountain! OY-- that's all I have to say about that!
A nice surprise was going through the creamery in Tillamook. Who doesn't love super-fresh ice cream and cheese?
Wednesday night, we took the light rail downtown to the nouveau Pearl District. Lots of renovated warehouses now home to high-end bistros and salons. Ate at Henry's, pretty good and not terribly overpriced.
Then over to Dante's for Exotica a Go-Go. The light rail locked up its brakes on the way home, that was an experience.
Thursday was our last full day there. Headed down to the retail district, for shopping, of course! Lots of fun shops, and Wendy's boy came out to meet us for a couple of hours. We finagled another meal out of him, then walked along the waterfront. The soldiers were there for a concert later in the night, when the Howitzers would contribute to the fireworks display.