That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

What a surprise.... it's a full moon!


My soon-to-be sister-in-law Megan is really THE most adorable thing. These wedding invitations she made? Daaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrling!!!! I'll link them up as soon as I get my OWN copy (guilt to brother Bubba). I do believe they are the most cute thing I've ever seen. I almost cried.

I was very happy to have that bit of light in my otherwise freaking annoying "what have I done for my god to forsake me?" kind of day. Oy vey. How has my day been trying? Let me count the ways.

1. I have to dress for court today. Thankfully not because I was in trouble. But rather to observe criminal proceedings. Thankfully again not against me. I'm on the side of the good guys, and they're prosecuting a woman taking advantage of the state's medical welfare program.

2. It's HUMID. Thick, cut the air with a knife, humid. And I'm wearing a pantsuit. Gawdammit! PS: But I do look good!

3. My truck won't start. It turns over and makes a horrendous clicking sound. Dash signals go faint. Nice. I have no power.

4. E has to get to school. It's only the second day of school. We're already late, since we got into the truck with just enough time to get there on time. So I shoot off the first of my "we're going to be late to school" calls. I feel like a derelict parent.

5. I have to summon D home from work. Where he just got back from a day off. And has to catch up with added duties. He is not happy. sigh

6. The court hearing is in one hour. D has to come home from work, take E to school, and me to work in time to catch a ride to court with my boss. Thankfully D is thinking clearer than I, and drops me at work first.

7. My coworker-in-crime had some good-for-nothings break into her truck last night. Rather than just steal her stereo from the dash.... they take the whole section facing panel out! So now she has a gaping hole in her truck.

8. We go to the court hearing. I have had no caffiene (forgot the coffee in the truck, didn't have time to grab a soda, and you can't take drinks into chambers), no food, and no break from 9:00 a.m. to noon. My tummy is grumbling! We also don't make as much progress on the hearing as hoped for. Back tomorrow for another round. double sigh

9. After we do get to eat lunch, I get a monumental headache. No amount of caffiene, sugar, protein, or heat(pad) is alleviating it. I really just want to crawl onto a massage table and let a strong and handsome man rub my neck for an hour. The headache never goes away.

10. D's valiant attempts to recharge my battery are not enough. So I expend $60.00 to get the fabulous 10-year, high amp (?) Cadillac of batteries. Still won't make my truck turn over. Just freaking GREAT! Now I'm looking at auto repairs right before I go to Phoenix. Also before I get paid again. After I just paid all the monthly bills out of my last paycheck, so I could spend money in Phoenix with little regret.

Mother's birthday dinner was tonight, so I was forced to leave the scene of my aggravation. I go to dinner, and decide I'll just take tomorrow off to have the truck towed to the dealer's. It will probably end up being an alternator or starter. If the dealer is diagnosising the problem, it's not going to be cheap. LOVELY (not)!

So all in all, I give up. Tomorrow has got to be better.


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