That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I hate it when reality comes crashing into my finely crafted fantasy mind. Don't they realize how long it's taken me to construct this? Oy.

Shopping, part 2

There are few things more humiliating than going shopping for clothes. Rather, trying on clothes when you go shopping. The shopping part? That's fun. Mix and match, catch up on the latest style, watch people, etc.

But crissakes, it sucks to try stuff on. The paranoid me thinks there is a camera behind every mirror. The neurotic me is convinced those mirrors are from the carnival fun house. Am I really that wide?!?!?!? And the "fitting rooms"? They are little more than bath stalls. If stores were serious about you dropping some significant money, they would put a wet bar back there.

All in all, it was a successful night. Three new pairs of trousers, and an uncharacteristicly (for me) respectable-lengthed skirt. It went below my knee. No comments from the peanut gallery than any length of material longer than 12" will do that! I *may* even stop wearing my boot cut leggings as work pants. Not sure yet. They are hella comfortable.

Oh, and I did go back for the cream suit jacket. I have just fallen in love with that outfit. After seeing the chocolate pinstripe pants the next day, I don't like those as much. So there will be one (hopefully) last trip back to return the exiles.

PS: Also on my list of things to get -- Weezer's new album. It has received good reviews. Anyone know if they are worthy?


At 7:13 AM PDT, Blogger The Lonely Optimist said...

I'm totally with you. I HATE shopping. I like new, nice things. But the actual shopping experience? No thanks...Too many choices. After a couple of shirts, everything starts to look the same and I lose my ability to judge objectively...

At 6:27 PM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

Oh my lord! It is just maddening. Tonight I was looking for a chocolate jacket to match pants. Of course there were jackets to match black or khaki pants. But not the color I wanted.

I would imagine that if I weren't so obsessive about the jacket being the exact color as the pants, I could have found a match. But the evil empire of corporate has brainwashed me into thinking a "suit" is two same-colored pieces of business attire.

It's much more helpful when you walk into the store, see the mannequin already dressed in a nice outfit, go "oh, that looks nice", and the nice attendant finds all the pieces for you. We should so have personal shoppers!


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