That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Things not to ask

Overheard from a customer service rep:

"I had a provider call today.... and ask WHY a patient was on (state) medical assistance."

The phone rep could answer this inquiry one of two ways:

1. "I'm sorry (provider), that is not information that we determine, or are authorized to give out. The only thing a medical provider would really need to know is whether a patient is eligible for a particular service on a particular day, and what the reimbursement rate would be."

2. "It's none of your business! Don't you realize being nosy into a patient's business dealings is against medical practice code of ethics?"

Of course #1 is the more professional response. Even if #2 would be more effective. You would be surprised how many times you hear such an inquiry from medical providers. Or the "it's not fair that this person gets..." Oy. One of the many favorite quotes my old debate coach had was "it doesn't have to be fair... it just has to be".

I seriously pity medical providers should I ever need serious care. It's been an eye-opening experience to realize that even (presumably) educated and trained medical personnel are, after all... human. Prone to idosyncrasities and neurosis just like the rest of us.

It also reminds me I don't get paid enough for what I do.


At 10:10 PM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sorry ... you think ANY of us get paid what we're worth?

Hello? Hello?? Is this thing on??? :)


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