That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Once upon a time, there was a girl who developed a large CRUSH on a lively bear. He used to tease her, but she liked the attention. Alas, they went their separate ways.

Eight years went by and they met again. It was love, love love! Sadly, they lived so FAR APART. It seemed rather ambitious, but the girl was brave and the bear always travelled first class.

Their time in New Orleans was always a HOOT. Have you ever ice-skated in the Big Easy? Ever drank a daiquiri... in a car?

Always persuasive and a bit sneaky, the bear WOOED the girl to the north woods. It's hard for her to resist a good meal!

Together, they've weathered through thick and thin, through TOUGH times...

and GOOD times (hooray for Italia)!

Nowadays, the girl and the bear love LAZY afternoons. Records, magazines, popcorn and each other.

It was WORTH the wait!"

The RSVP card says either "enthusiastically accepts" or "sadly regrets"


At 12:57 PM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

spambot block

At 10:52 PM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, Good God .... :)

At 1:50 AM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

What?!?! It is NOT adorable? :P

The girl looks so like Megan. And my adorable, but pain-in-the butt brother can at times resemble the lively bear. He is tall, and got very thin in college. But age and metabolism has been allowed him to chub up a bit. So when he grows out his dark-haired beard, he can get woolly (sic?).


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