That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Cue up my theme music

Have ya missed me? I'm sorry I haven't been consistent with my weblog maintenance. I'm usually not a girl that will start a project if I don't intend to see it through the end.

I've been hyponitized by the dude writing Darth Vader's blog. In comparison, my pitiful writing skills have rendered me a bit impotent and excerbates my feelings of inadequacy. Paging Smiling Bob... But, I also have reliable income, which an artist cannot always claim. So neener, neener, neener. :P

Lessee, since we last checked in on our heroes, what has happened? Well, for starters, THERE IS ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT UNTIL STAR WARS!!!!! I've been morbidly scanning all the publicity photos released, hoping for some ephipany. Dang, Carrie Fisher is Miss Chunk-A-Lot. If *I* didn't have anything more pressing going on, and enough money, I would have hired a trainer to get me looking better. Or at least invested in some lipo. Oi!

And where is Harrison Ford during all this promotion? Now, I realize (from interviews I've seen) that the boy doesn't really hold any desire to be idolized for his acting roles. And I even suppose that he may feel more affinity for the Indiana Jones movies, than Star Wars. But to an impressionable girl who has been in love with Han Solo for almost 30 years, his absence hinges on abandonment. He's too handsome to be wasting his time on that skinny Calista Flockhart. Come back to the legions of women that *truly* love you! ;)

Allright, I will admit that I want to see "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". The movie is likely going to be hardly believable in that a married couple is oblivious to each other's secret spy occupation. But it looks clever, and will have beautiful scenery (read: it won't be hard to look at Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie). It will probably be a hit with anyone that has dreamt of the chance to work out your frustration towards your spouse by hunting them down and eradicating them. Bonus on it being a job, therefore getting paid.

Disclaimer: I will neither confirm nor deny that I have ever been one of those people (the above-mentioned frustrated spouse).


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