That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Seriously, Tom... what are you thinking?!?!

Tom Cruise is boinking Katie Holmes?!?! Does he have no morals? He's 42, and she's 26. A *young-looking* 26. You'd think for him being a Scientologist (sic), mind over matter and all, that he'd stop and think "does this make me look stupid?" The answer is YES.

As to Katie Holmes.... well, I don't know if she's dumb, or really, really smart. The girl has moved into A-list circles. That's smart. But she's made herself a punchline. "Kids, I'll have to call another babysitter. I want to take Katie out on a date." Not so smart. Could you imagine Katie having to trade snide remarks with Nicole Kidman in the ladies room of the Oscars? Katie Kabob, is what she would be. Nicole Kidman has got to be laughing her non-existent butt off at this turn of events.


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