That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

We've got a friend

I forgot this as one of the St. Louis highlights --

So my boss and I went out of town for work, right? Well, the boss of our token male associate (TMA) was supposed to as well. Part(y) of the reason my boss and I tried so hard to get approved to go. Anyway, at the last minute, TMA's boss had to cancel. It's a drag when you work in the office of the state's integrity. You always have to look like you're doing what's right. Even if you really don't want to.

So my boss and I decided to take home souvenirs for the fella. A deck of Hooters girls playing cards and a bib that says "Hooters makes you happy". We figured he'd need them in conjunction, yanno. At least that was our "reasoning"......after a few drinks and encouraged by our social colleagues. He was even a good sport when we called (later than socially acceptable) to request an emergency funds requistion. He knew it was necessary for either beer, or bail. ---Just for the record, all of us girls behaved ourselves!

Back to the story -- TMA's boss was very appreciative of his gifts, and very sweet to thank us. Later on during the day, we get another update -- "You've converted me from playing solitaire on the computer. From now on, it's only the old-fashioned way for me." Guess the gift was a success, eh?


At 6:19 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

D-Bo nice but not as good as my souvenir Hooters magazine autographed by actual Hooters girls!

At 12:34 PM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

We always save the best gifts for rockstar boyfriends! ;)


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