That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Enough, already!

The last few days remind me of a quote from Steven Cojocaru, talking about his failed kidney transplant: "I remember dropping to my knees, throwing my hands to the heavens...saying "enough with the character building already! I get it, I'm deep!"

Tonight's jaunt to KC for a CM training was not worth the money I had to pay out. Even though my mentor was kind enough to pay for the registration. I don't remember ever spending $30.00 for a trip to KC that didn't include a bar stop. Talk about inconsiderate! Our unit leader did just as effective a training weeks ago.

This after a day of the cheerleaders fighting at work. Although no one should have had to endure the pathetic conditions in New Orleans.. when does common sense overcome emotional reaction? Andy wrote an amazing article of insight (natch, he's a writer). Go read it at

And lastly, a sad farewell to a girl taken before her time. A girl that some of us grew up with, since we've known her mother for so long. We found out that a co-worker's daughter was murdered Tuesday night in Colorado Springs. By her boyfriend of several years, and the father of her 22-month old child. In her own home. And the baby left in the apartment. It makes my stomach hurt, just thinking about it.

It also doesn't help that I'm freaking PMS-ing!


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