That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Salute your Solider

It's Armed Forces Day. Makes me appreciate the soldiers dispatched to defend a cause they may or may not support. Thanks for doing your job!

We went out to Heartland Park today for the Armed Forces Day celebration(s). Not too much going on in the way of activities. But we got there late in the afternoon. Several branches of public service forces had machinery out on display. The police bomb squad had a good-looking F350 that I wouldn't mind to have. Complete with retractable cable on the front crash bar, to cement your bad-assness. The car audio enthusiasts were stylin' and profilin' in the dB (decibal) drag races. It looked like they were getting a military band set up for a performance later. There were even a couple of solar soapbox cars cruising around the track. Not very quickly, mind you. But they were moving in a forward motion.

Armed Forces Day also makes me appreciate my rock star boyfriend. It was at an Armed Forces Day parade that we met. D was even a good sport and let me drag him to a restaurant for dinner tonight. Caught him at a weak moment! He was a little confused at the fact that I stayed at the table after we turned in our order. Usually the girlfriend goes into the kitchen and starts cooking dinner after the boys decide what they want to eat. ;)

Tonight we may try to introduce E to "Wayne's World", Wayne's world, Wayne's world, it's party time, excellent, . He was already exposed to a cultural icon this week with the Star Wars movie. Now he can "party on". That way, if I hear him say "schwing", with any girl in close proximity, then I'll know to start worrying. ha!


At 9:28 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If E does start the lovely "Wayne and Garth talk" then it will only be you to blame, because most of us have already tried to forget ;)

At 9:22 AM PDT, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

But will we ever, *truly* let go of our inner Bill and Ted?

Especially when it was Keanu Reeve's life-defining role?



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