That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Because I Can

I was going to title this entry "I'm Not Dead", since it seemed a while since posting. But then I got to looking around, and didn't feel so bad. Degolar's been the best at timely posting.

And then I got to thinking about P!nk, as that is the title of her latest album, as well as the album I was listening to on the drive up to the city. I went to find the Goddess' final resting place, as I hadn't yet. Previous trips to the city either didn't allow me enough time, or the company wasn't appropriate for a side errand.

So... I'm not dead, and Because I Can is also the name of a song on the P!nk album. It's a good, solid album. The drive back, I revisited Terence Trent D'Arby's "The Hardline..." He's changed his name, and his sound... but his first is still an album worth owning. The singer for Gnarls Barkley reminds me a LOT of him. But then, I suppose they are both suppose to remind me of Sam Cooke. Before my time. Sorry, Dad.

Worked customers for my CM mentor yesterday. It didn't totally suck. But it was a long day. Didn't work on D's work album much. Finished up San Franciso pictures today. Next trip (out of order, though) is Scottsdale/PHX. Albuquerque was actually after San Fran. That trip was not only a drag, as he was on the opposite side of town from the old town stuff... but he was also grounded there after airflight was suspended September 11, 2001. Not a lot of pictures from that trip. But after those two trips, I'll be about half done with a eight-city tour. I guess life as a rockstar is tough.


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