That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I'm just so excited!!!

Well, even beyond my usual excitement about my monster boy's birthday weekend. I'm being a bad mother and cropping tonight, instead of letting him help pick out party decorations and food. There will time enough for that in the morning, son! Momma's got customers tonight to fleece. Bwahahaha....

No, sports fans, the extra-geeky spike of my mania comes from the knowledge my bridal girl is going to get hooked-UP on her wedding night!

I called the lodging agent (I have to be vague in case she reads this page within the next week), to see if I could order a special sumpin-sumpin be put in their room prior to arrival. Not only will they get that... but they'll get even more! I couldn't believe the facility didn't want more money than they did for it, either!

Thankfully, it is also a deal I don't have to worry about lacking in quality. Because they know I have high expectations for them, and they have always delivered in the past. Guess all that spin they say about networking may actually be true!

Now back to your regular programming.... I'm going to go and try to get some actual work done. And hope my day stays this nice!


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