Although I don't deserve it... my loving boyfriend and son gave me a mother's day present, early:

Now I just have to figure out how to work the thing. Thank you, honey!
PS: Also went to the library this morning. Picked up Miller's Hell and Back, and Gaiman's Marvel 1602. Already read the Miller. Getting ready to start the Marvel book, and I'm so geeked already. Doc Strange, Nick Fury, X-Men, and my absolute favorite hero boy.... Daredevil!
I didn't even know of the book until I found it on the shelf. It was all I could do not to squeal and hop about upon discovery. I could take it home, fawn over it, cherish it, make it be loyal to only me (at least until the due date).
Rest assured, I kept myself composed. The young adult section was probably already scared enough as it was, with an old woman in their territory. She starts acting batty, and they'll be psychologically scarred for life. No sense in adding that to the list I'm going to burn for, anyway.
You may want to re-word the first line of this post.
Bad grammar is making your head asplode?
Sorry, it is something of a running joke.
Then I realized that if I told everyone it was a mother's day present, they'd think the boys couldn't read the calendar. It is also an anniversary present for the 19th, and a just-because-I-wanted-to.
So it was a present, just early!
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