That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

**** Warning: political rant ****

I'll be back to sunshine and optimism tomorrow. Today, I'm not going to even try and pretend. There are also a couple of swear words at the end. Sorry. But it's just like that. Move along if you'll be offended.

I don't know if it is my advancing age leading to increased cynicism, too much exposure to Jon Stewart (LOVE him!)and Stephen Colbert (funny, but the obviously oblivious routine wears on me), or what... but I am hoping the current president drops off the face of the earth.

This (updated link) article threw me over the edge this morning.

The audacity coming out of that mans mouth is enough to make me hurl. He is "confident" that Bin Laden will be captured. Guess what? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!

Bush cannot hold office any longer than his current term. He has used BS, fear, intimidation, and subterfuge to get him reelected. Plus, all he's done with himself is hunt down the bad guy his daddy couldn't get. A lot of people have died that haven't needed to. There is no rationale for that transgression.

With gas the highest it has ever been, he has made his money for retirement. He couldn't give two shakes of a rat's ass less whether we catch any terrorists (turrorists, as he says).

All he looks is dumber by the day, trotting around on unannounced visits and "vowing" to pervail in the hunt for justice. Why couldn't he use his powers for good, instead of evil? Oh yeah, BECAUSE HE IS.

Democratic party, get your shit together. If you idiots cannot pull off a win in the next presidential election, you're a bunch of pussies.

Oh yeah... and everybody freaking vote. Even if your candidate doesn't win, your vote against the person you oppose counts. You can't bitch if you don't vote.

PS: Dan Gunderman is much more informed, and more entertaining than me when it comes to politics and current events. You can find more information here:


At 7:30 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

And breathe .... :)

But youre right ... I watched a lot of his press conference early this morning, and I was shakng my head. He really is dumber than a box of dirt.

He even tried some humor to come across as this likable figure, but to me he just came across as dumber (if that is possible).

Im hoping Stats opens a Canadian bureau.

At 8:05 PM PST, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

Nah, they have a conservative leader up there, too. And stuff is just more expensive.

I did feel better after posting that, though. Now I'm on to the dog trainer woman smuggling the killer out of Lansing. How bright is she not?

Married to a local firefighter, with children. Found her shacked up with loverboy in a resort cabin, stocked with goodies like a new laptop, truck, music equipment, and oh yeah... $24K in cash. Where'd that come from?

She wants to avoid jail. Ya think?

At 10:39 AM PST, Blogger Mr. Patriot said...

i agree, wholeheartedly


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