That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

How many more days until full moon?

Usually I'm in no hurry for the full moon to ebb. The weirdness leading up to the one FULL moon night is usually the air I breathe. This month, it is different.

You have to wonder about the stability of the universe when I'm the normal-looking one of the bunch. Most people don't realize how difficult acting a responsible adult really is. At least it is for this punk-rock girl that would rather tell the corporate drones to bugger off and go outside for a smoke. There has a to be a rock band bar somewhere calling my name. Oh wait.. we're in the middle of red-state BFE. Don't hold your breath.

I'm just tense. We're really for Seattle, just waiting for the days to pass. Now with less than a week to go, AW is giving us a medical scare. Nothing unmanageable, but of course it throws me into a tizzy... "I should be there, but I have to work, I have a CM class, Monster's got soccer..." My closest girlfriends are stressed about something or another. That makes me worry for them.

I'm also twerked with my stylist for trimming my hair too short this weekend. What was she thinking? I know, it's just hair. But I haven't been letting it grow for five years, and paying good money to maintain it the last several months for her to go all snip-happy on me. A week before a major trip! Oy.

I obviously need more ice cream. The first round hasn't kicked in, or didn't have enough Magic Shell coating. See y'all later.


At 10:55 PM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Tough day in the salt mines, darlin'? :)

At 11:34 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, bless your heart, sweetie. I hope you're not wasting your time worrying about me!

At 1:53 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am assisting my dad doing research for a article about famous or notable Jobies. Have you heard of any?
I have found two Miss Americas, a Miss USA, a Wyoming State Senator, Superintendent of a major school district in N.J., the current Indiana State Superintendent of Public Instruction, many notable heads of organizations, a Southwest Airlines Captain who is a champion aerobatic pilot,a United Airlines pilot, a radio news reporter in Winnipeg, Canada and a TV news reporter in Raleigh, NC who was a PHQ, a Miss Carolina's Job's Daughter AND North Carolina State DeMolay Sweetheart! Several actresses including Kim Cattrall (she played Samantha on "Sex and the City"), Debbie Reynolds, Judy Garland and lots of others.


PHQ, MM, Bethel 96, Tujunga, California
Past Princess, Burbank DeMolay

At 9:04 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you're at the bar getting smokes, would you get me a tequila shot and a blue drink?


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