My Other Car is a Broom
... time flies. I did not realize it had been so long since my last post. Sorry about that!
So there doesn't seem to be too much of interest you missed. Hot Wendy made it to Portland, and has started rebuilding her store. Sounds like quite the interesting environment there. Store got a total overhauled, former staff fired, new staff brought in, and they have to restock and realign.
I have been a faithful walking companion to Young Angela. I don't think it is making much of a difference in my weight... but I'm going to end up with calves of steel. If my knees, hips, and back don't up and revolt first!
Received the new Chris Cornell album later in the week. Have listened to it quite a bit. Really like the song he did for the Bond movie (my reason for wanting the disc), and totally dig the cover of "Billie Jean". The rest of the songs are good, his voice is great, and he is so very pretty to look upon!
Have been reading quite a bit. Finished the second Discworld book, and will have to catch up to Degolar, already on (or finished) the third. Read a couple more Anita Blake vampire hunter books, but they don't count since they're kinda trashy. My newest excursion seems to be well suited to my disposition...

Not done with the third yet, but well on my way. Glad to know you've enjoyed the others.
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