That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sorry, Honey

This will probably be a disappointment to my anti-establishment, rocker boyfriend. Though he'll be the first to agree that I didn't as much attract him... as I lured him in and kept him from leaving once he agreed to date me. That boy was the sanest piece of stability I'd seen in a long time. He wasn't going to get away!

He's even a good sport to keep his day job, since I don't want to stress about money. So he may play a yuppie at work... it's just a necessary evil. Necessary to make the money to be evil! Oh wait-- I'm the evil one, not him...

What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract Yuppies!

You attract the very well-dressed, job oriented type of people. They usually have their finances together, are 'middle of the road' on most topics, generally happy with the 'main-stream' of things. If it is stability you are after, these are good people to attract, if you seek adventure, it may be time for an overhaul.

You attract artsy people!
You attract unstable people!
You attract geeks!
You attract rednecks!
You attract models!
What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpace

Yeah, the whole attracting unstable people thing? Not sure why that is. But believe it or not, folks... I am NOT the oddest person I know! In fact, it's kinda surreal... when my friends come to me for advice!



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