That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

People, Please!

Like Ali, I have to work on my holiday enthusiasm this year. I enjoy being together with the family, since it's about the only time we can coordinate schedules. And although it's not my rock star's favorite environment... I love all the chattering and general shenanigans of loud and loving people socializing.

Yet with my sister's separation and pending divorce, and my youngest brother worrying about the mortality of his mother-in-law... the search for perfect gifts to give seems more a burden than joy. Most likely since we're all to the point in our lives where we can afford to obtain that which we need, no matter what time of the year. We're also a practical lot, and would rather give you a gift card or cash rather than buy you something you won't enjoy or use.

As well, I make sure the bills are paid before I go holiday shopping. So while I will eventually look forward to shopping for my boys, it wasn't first on my agenda the day after Thanksgiving. Fortunately, I have a couple of leave days yet to burn. That is likely when my shopping commence, as my retail part-time gig blocks upcoming evenings and weekends.

Understanding all that... imagine my disbelief when I overheard the following question:

"Finished your Christmas shopping yet?"

Oy freaking vey!



At 9:04 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who has money for Christmas presents???


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