That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

That's Queen Geek to You!

I felt a pang of dilemma this morning, trying to decide what style of checks to reorder.

When you're a comic fan, it's hard to be loyal only to Marvel, or only to DC.

Fortunately, Marvel upped their offer, by including my girl Elektra:

Marvel wins!

And I'm really having to resist ordering the coordinating checkbook cover:

It's got my man Daredevil!!!

Aww, crap... I am so screwed! I hate paying money anyway for checks, since I really only use them to track what I pay online. The internet minimum order will last me like two years!

But they're so dang cool!



At 11:10 AM PST, Blogger Missy said...

I showed this to my husband and I am pretty sure that he will volunteer to order checks next time 'round.


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