Failure to believe

Maybe it is because she gets so much press for being a neurotic control freak, that I have a hard time believing this is her natural state.
She also got some bad press for being a difficult coworker. Matthew McCona-honey, in all of his Texan charm, still had to struggle to when asked to say something nice about working with SJP. Yeah, I know, I can't remember how to spell his last name. It doesn't really matter, 'cause all the women just call him Sir Humpable.
Granted, it is perfect casting for McCona-honey to be the laidback, cutie pie son still living with mom and dad. No worries in life but to get your laundry out in time for pickup, and arrange your next score. But for SJP to be the chick he's willing to move out of the nest for? It seems like that would require more than sweet talk and nookie.
I guess that is why they call it acting. And if that is the case, my friends, they are some good actors.
Oh man, she bugs the shit out of me too. All elbows and nose and sharp frazzled nerves. Glad to hear someone else articulate it.
Sir Humpable - heh.
And I thought I was the only one for disliked Visehead.
I still have to giggle when thinking about her working with John Corbett.
Shortly afterwards "Sex and the City" (though to be fair, it was after he shot that sad "Lucky" series), Corbett decided that acting was just too vapid. And he vowed to devote his energy to his real love...singing.
So she might not be the *entire* reason he went on the wagon. But we can hope!
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