Before Igor Beats Me to a New Post....
So I haven't made it to Stardust yet. A lot of work, a lot of running, and not much rest.
Hey, at least be proud I finally finished Wicked! Thankfully the read was a LOT easier after the first 100 pages. Started to get mucked up again at the end, but overall, a very entertaining premise with some compelling support. The library is holding Maguire's other books, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Son of a Witch for me.
Last week, we went to the Rush concert in KC. I really do enjoy their shows. Which pleases my rockstar boyfriend to no end, as they are his favorite band. The in-concert graphics didn't seem to be as good as their Vapor Trails tour, but they had some hilarious opening and intermission skits.
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (text drafts on my cell phone), you too can see their set list. Another reason it's good to have a hardcore fan as your date... he knows all the song names, or at least can tell you "it's the X number song from album Y". After thirty-some years and twenty-some albums, I was suitably impressed with his recall.
Snakes and Arrows Tour 2007
Digital Man
Entre Nous (French title) Between Us
Free Will
Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Vapor Trails
Between The Wheels
Second set – Far Cry
Working Them Angels
Armor and Shield
Way the Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Neil Solo
Hope – Alex acoustic
Summertime Blues (cover)
Spirit of Radio
(South Park intro) Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Plus, D got a really cool concert poster:

His is actually a bit different, the title bar is not on the picture itself.
This week, Angela and I are off to see hot Wendy in Portland.

Hopefully my boys will be able to survive, with a restocked pantry and freezer. Even they admit the cheerleaders don't know how to cook. Much less clean up after them. It will be interesting to see what I come home to!
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