Waste of a Weekend
I'm sick. : (
Had a weird cough yesterday, dry throat. Thought it was just allergies. But did think it odd I felt no relief after med dosing. Realize WHY after waking up this morning. Sweet jesus, I feel like crap. Not so good timing. Though not a surprise, given the hyper pace of this last week, and not ingesting a daily multivitamin for the past couple weeks.
Shuffled around for a bit, trying to figure out what I could do without having to change out of my pajamas. I was grumpy at the prospect of losing production time, as I only have one week left to finish two simple scrapbooks. These books have to go with us to NC.. one for Scott's girls, and one for Scott of a camping trip he and D took almost twenty years ago. Beyond all the packing, work, blah blah blah.
A pajamas weekend is a great time to scrapbook. But I couldn't go downstairs to my room, since the air conditioner works TOO well in the basement. Didn't feel like packing on the parka. I also didn't really want to sit at the dining room table, bothers my back after awhile. I used to sit a card table up in the living room with my favorite chair. But the chair sits lower than the table, and sitting on the edge of the chair hurts my back and neck after awhile. Would they consider neck aches a sports injury, if incurred from marathon scrapbooking?
Boyfriend wanted to be helpful, so he set up the card table in the living room. And I obediently agreed to his terms of not sitting in my comfy chair, but using a dining chair to sit properly. Monster boy joined me for a bit and worked on his stuff. It bothers me a bit the table is sprawled out in the middle of my wannabe feng shui open space. So I'm trying to find some type of lap desk that I can lay across the comfy chair. Until then, here's my agenda for the weekend:

PS: I love my bad kitty backpack!
Labels: piss and moan
Ugh. Hope you start feeling better soon.
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