Sayonara and well, hello there!
Tim and Miwa left for Thailand this morning. The last three months have gone quickly. I'm happy we were able to have the time with them. Lord only knows when we'll see them again.
Branson was a good, quick, trip. Zoomed down there on Wednesday, after stopping to see Evan's lady friend at work in KC. Yes, my child has a fan club. She is a supersweet girl, and Evan enjoyed the tour of her workplace.
While in Branson, we hit Peace Frogs (groovy), gocarts (required!), the Dixie Stampede (go for the show, not the food), and Silver Dollar City (normally not open this early!). I even got a few scrapbook pages done. But not as many as I would have liked. Fun was had by all.
Although the whole eating with your fingers did get on my nerves at the Stampede. Evan commented several times "they could have given us something to eat with". Oh, and he also said "I never want to do that again" after riding the new rollercoaster at SDC. I had to laugh (with pride, of course) to see that my child is just like me. Be afraid!
He was also funny, listening to music on the way back. I put in the Black Eyed Peas, and he was dancing to the music. As much as you can, in a vehicle. He recognized a song ("Pump It") from the recent video, and was mimicking the danceoff moves. And he didn't even squawk when I told him we'd skip over the "My Humps" song, since he didn't need to hear a song about Fergie's butt.
With the flurry of activity that comes with getting back to work and tenants moving out, my head wasn't tolerating the Peas much after Saturday. (That reminds me.. I got a new toy, which I'll tell y'all about in a minute.) So I've been listening to U2's Rattle and Hum. Which I think may have been the very first CD I ever bought. Good times.
I remember being heavily influenced by the album at the time. It was one of the first times a band I dearly loved filmed a documentary, through a part of the country that influenced them, which produced songs of love and influence. Ah, very good times.
So then (because it tends to do such, with little provocation) my mind was wandering about the various U2 band members. All of whom are handsome and enigmatic. But because bad boys haunt the girls, I love to daydream about Adam Clayton. Though The Edge is winning points with me, since he wrote the latest Batman cartoon series theme. And I saw Andy Summers' name associated with one of those cartoons. I think it may be Justice League Unlimited. He's not in U2, but another musician....
See how hard it is to be me? ADHD reference::: Hey, look.. a bunny!

So if Adam Clayton would be outside contention, this boy seems like a worthy candidate.

Chris Nunez, the "ladies man" of Miami Ink. And think of all the free body art I could score in the process! I'm sure my mother would be so proud. : P

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! My new toy...
a Motorola E815 phone.
:::Forrest Gump voice::: I like it a lot.
Although I about gave myself carpal tunnel syndrome by entering my phonebook manually, in an effort to save $10. Oy! Next time, I'm just paying the transfer fee.
So if all y'alls are the kind of person I would have in my phone, and want your picture as the call ID, lemme know. I also need to figure out how to put mp3 files in for call rings, without downloading them, since I'm too cheap.
Any suggestions?
Wow..that is the exact same phone that I have.
I admire you for being brave enough to manually enter your address book. That takes far more dedication than I posess.
I hate to break this to you, but being a HUGE U2 fan myself, I'm fairly certain that Adam is gay.
Are you kidding?!?!?
I thought he dated Naomi Campbell at one time.
My gaydar is not usually in need of repair. Vin Diesel... I can believe he is gay. Tom Cruise and Rob Thomas, I can believe.
But Adam Clayton?!?!? Man, I would be so seriously disappointed.
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