That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Monday, November 21, 2005

In the spirit of Thanksgiving...

Superficial things I am grateful for:

Diet Coke. Don’t talk to me about Coke Zero. That is the equivalent of the second, trophy, wife. The original is the one that has stood by you for years, still tastes good, and will still be there when CZ ages a bit.

A tie between Snickers candy bars and Reese’s peanut butter cups. If you can’t decide between them, eat both.

A boyfriend that takes care of me. Since this is a family blog, I’ll let ya’ll draw your own conclusions from that statement. He would rate even higher, if it weren’t for female restrictions that make me rely on the comfort of Diet Coke and candy for one week of the month.

Coffee. Life is always better when you have something hot, dark, and rich.

Terra vegetable chips. Maybe not terribly low in fat, they aren’t too bad with the sodium and cholesterol. Dang, those things are good! I’m pissed that Dillon’s has apparently discontinued stock. Now I’ll have to pay $5.00 a bag at the health food store for them. Curses! PS: The Terra veggie stix are even better.

Music. A song can always say those things you can’t. And there’s always a song to go along with my mood. It is not always easy to make a 30+-year old fat girl feel attractive. But I can always feel like La Femme Nikita after listening to the soundtrack.

My son, the developing geek. Since I’m keeping this list on the superficial, I’ll highlight only the humor of my gratitude. I’m grateful that I can take E into the comics section of the bookstore and he’ll keep himself busy while I read. Ditto on the fact that I can take him to the new movies!

Hollywood running out of ideas. At least some good comic stories are getting made into movies! There’s some good stories that have also been made into not-so-good movies. But I can’t wait for Watchmen to come out!

Celebrities, as hounded by the overly zealous media. Thank you for making me appreciate my monotonous Midwest life. It’s a relief to not always feel like the most damaged car in the train wreck!

And finally, you, my friends and family. If it weren’t for your words of wisdom, wit, and support, I’d have no material to steal. Thanks!

PS: I’m just joking with the sarcasm. I love ya’ll. The list of important things I am grateful for would be much shorter. Just my family and my friends. You are always all I ever need. Thanks for putting up with me!

PPS: Have a good holiday.

PPPS: Go Hawks! They play Arizona tonight. In Maui. I hope the network cameras have filters on them. The collective glare from all the pasty white skin may be enough to blind viewers at home.

PPPPS: Last PS, I promise. In good taste, I can’t even gloat about the Chiefs win. It was against the Texans, after all.


At 7:47 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thankful that you're so freakin' hilarious and bright. You make my life happy.

At 2:37 AM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

A partial list from me (aside, from the friends and family and such who put up with me, dont'cha know): Dunkin' Donuts' coffee -- lowfat milk, three Splendas ... Twinings English Breakfast tea (makes Mountain Dew seem like warm milk) ... iPods -- possibly the single greatest invention of all time ... the National Hockey League (never know how much you miss something until it's gone) ... road trips ... and that's all for now.

Happy Thanksgiving!

At 2:40 AM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh ... and I **know** I read that wrong: Coke Zero RULES! :)

At 1:26 PM PST, Blogger The Girl in Black said...

If I wanted to drink something that tastes Coke, I'd drink... Coke!

But then, if you are what you eat... am I old (as in time on the market), with a slightly bitter aftertaste?

Shut it!

At 6:05 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

adjusting the halo ... and trying REAL hard to keep my mouth shut! :)


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