That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


D wanted to see The Spy Who Loved Me.

In a fit of over-achievingness, 'cause c'mon ya'll, it is Bond we're talking about, I went and rented five Bond movies. All of which I had not seen yet.

Last night we watched TSWLM and Diamonds are Forever. Tonight I watched Die Another Day just in time to switch to the season ender of Rome. How sad!

They killed off Caesar, and Lucius' wife killed herself once he knew the truth about the grandson. Where are they going to go from here? It will be interesting to see. But knowing HBO, we'll have to wait six more months for new episodes. Curses!

The Chiefs are actually having their way with the Houston Texans. Let's hope they don't get too comfortable.


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