That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thankful 2007

In fine Blogger tradition, here's my list of superficial things I'm thankful for this year:

1. Strongbow cider: Not quite as yummy as the Lucky Labrador's black currant cider, but a pretty darn good alternative.
2. El Mezcal margaritas from the 21st and Fairlawn restaurant: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays are now my favorite day of the week. Other restaurants may have the same special... but this Mezcal makes them the best.
3. Southwest airlines: Last year I touted their travel fund account allows you to cancel and reschedule without penalties. But now, with non-stop flights to all my favorite people... Seattle, Phoenix, Portland-- Holla!
4. The online music sharing website named after a little green fruit: disco is never dead when I can burn a mix CD of all my favorites. iTunes rocks, when you want to burn a quick playlist, though it's like Kelis (... "I could teach you, but I'd have to charge")
5. Cinnamon sun chips: A quite perfect mix of crunchy, sweet, and salt to keep my sanity during long and boring reviews.
6. Minty cool beeswax lip balm: doesn't provide any color to my pale white girl lips... but not as sticky as the color beeswax chaps, and smells great!
7. Peppermint Lifesavers mints: no other kind will do! I scoff at your wint-o-green.
8. Cute spiral notebook journals: without such, I'd never be able to find a weekly planner to suit my desire. And it also lets me get creative without having to work on an scrapbook album.
9. Chinese buffet carryout: now I can sate the rice noodles jones without coerceing my boys into having it as well. It also makes working at the store a breeze. I can run over there in between jobs, or for a decent meal on the longer weekend shift.
10. Online photo printing: you too can go from being 18 months behind on your family albums to caught up in no time!
11. Ultrabronze tanning: cowgirls won't get the cold winter blues
12. Cold tea: all your caffeine requirements, without the sodium side effects!

And most importantly... I am WAY thankful for the Kansas Jayhawks football team! Rock Chalk Jayhawk, GO KU!


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