That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hidden There, In The Shadows...

I don't have a valid excuse for being away. Off all last weekend, and not a lot of evening work hours this week. Daytime hours were a bit more taxing. The legal type work I do cycles, wax and wane. Just came out of a waning phase, now it is wax on.

While not writing, did manage to get the laundry caught up and things cleaned up to a more presentable level. The house we thought would be more room than we would ever need is becoming a bit smaller. I get clausterphobic trying to contemplate how to arrange my hobby room downstairs. There are a number of furniture pieces I need to fit in, and yet be able to move around.

It is a bit surreal to read press coverage of the writer's strike, compared to the perspective of those living it. Here you can read Pamie's perspective: and her handsome husband Stee's:

Stee does a good job of explaining why the writers need to strike: He also linked to an article feature the guy who created "The Shield": I thought it was pretty cool to read this writer's take on Ellen:

Now I leave you again, fading back to black and other distractions. Tonight, we go to record local "band" Under the Radar. At a coffee shop. Oy. At least all the accessible caffeine will kill the headache their noise is going to give me.

Hopefully next time, I'll be able to catch you up on our recent excursion to Weston. That was a fun time. Even our teenager thought it was a good trip.


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