That girl in black.... and other fashion colors

You've heard about her. Most likely you've even seen her. I hear she gets around.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Have a Happy Birthday? Don't Mind If I Do!

It's my birthday, whee!

Hopefully we'll get to KC for a day trip today (dumb snow!). Then I have a date with my hair stylist for dinner, and a "staff meeting" with the shoe girls after close. How convenient my birthday this year fell on a cheap margarita night, with a crew of pretty young things that love margaritas?

I really am a lucky girl.

Here's another piece of eye candy, if only to a proud mommy. You wouldn't believe how big Monster Boy has become!

And that's only about a year difference from this:

PS: I also have heeled boots on in that pic! So he was already taller than me.

PPS: Glogger drives me batty!!


At 11:25 AM PST, Blogger Missy said...

Hope it was a good one!


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